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Unequal Rights Of Immigrants Essay

Imagine a person that wanted to get out of a place where they know that they have no future in. That person aims to go to a place where their dreams will be accomplished and a place where they know they will have a better future but when the person gets there, that is all crushed. That person finds out that people treat them differently based off of where they come from. The person doesn’t get the same rights as everyone else does because they are immigrants. What would you feel like if you were someone like that? People feel horrible when this happen.

Immigrants are affected by this. Unequal rights affect for immigrants affects everything like for example other people’s action, health care, bullying, jobs, and a problem to our society. This essay will talk about the background, effects, and solution towards immigrants unequal rights. There are a lot of examples of immigration discrimination everywhere. The first example is that some people are discriminated by what they look like. This depends on their skin color, how they talk or pronounce words and what they wear.

People assume that since some people look different they should be accused for something they didn’t do. This mostly happens to immigrants. The second example is that some people treat immigrants with no consideration. They think that since immigrants are different from them, they can treat them however they want to. If this continues, this can lead to violence because at one point, immigrants will get tired of being discriminated and treated unfairly. A third example is that every country has a problem with immigration. People have different views of this.

Some may support this but others may not. The ones who don’t support this are sometime the one that discriminate. This depends on where some immigrants come from including their culture and language. The final example is that because of people being immigrants, others like to hire the (“Discrimination Against Immigrants” Today’s Zaman). Immigration discrimination is everywhere. There are a lot of examples of this. Sometimes people ask what are some causes of inequality for immigrants. There are a lot of causes of inequality towards immigrants.

The first cause is that some people think that immigrants can’t be as rich as others. They think this because they think immigrants don’t work hard. Another cause is that since some immigrants live on the streets, every immigrant should get treated unfairly. The last cause is that some places in the world take advantage of immigrants while other places don’t (Williams, Jeremy. “Five causes of inequality”) There are a lot of causes of inequalities toward immigrants. There are a lot of things that happen to immigrants when they come to the U. S.

Most of these things only happen to them and not other people, and this is really cruel. The first example that happens to them is that when a police officer finds out that a person is an illegal immigrant, some police officers can be very violent to them. The police officer can hit them and beat them up just because they are an illegal immigrant. Right after this happens, the police officer deports them back to their country. Immigrants come here to have a better life, but they are always harassed.

Another thing that happens to them when they come to the U. S is that a lot of immigrants are uninsured because of who they are. When immigrants have a medical problem, they come to the hospital, but the hospital won’t help them. When immigrants try to get insurance, they get turned away. The final thing that happens to them is that they are discriminated. They are discriminated by others who don’t accept them because they think they are different just because of where they come from and what they look like. (Carrilo, Elsa. “Immigration Treated Unfairly”. ) A lot of stuff happens to immigrants when they come to the U. S. Immigrants are everywhere.

Since there is a lot of immigrants, there can be some problems but immigrants can actually help out a lot. First of all, immigrants are known (in some countries) to be the cause of a growing economy. They pay taxes, work for hours, and have a lot of businesses. This improves the economy because since there are a lot of immigrants that pay and give the amount of money that they are suppose to give, the economy grows more. Some countries don’t have a problem with immigrants because of this. They also help the country increase the population. Some problems with immigrants is some people think that immigrants behave bad.

Sometimes they are known for their behavior too and some people think that immigrants shouldn’t be involved in what other do. This is a problem because immigrants are people too so this creates a problem as immigrants stand up for themselves. Lastly, there are a lot of immigrants in Switzerland and France. They don’t have a problem with this. Finland And Denmark don’t have a lot of immigrants. (Bershidsky, Leonid. “Ignorance Fuels Europe Anti-Immigration Victories. “) Immigrants are everywhere. They are known for causing some problem but also known for improving countries.

Some people ask how are immigrants being treated. This usually depends on whether they are legal or illegal. First of all, illegal immigrants get treated very bad. There is so much violence toward them because of their situation. Illegal immigrants sleep on cold floor when they are caught. Lastly, legal immigrants get treated better but there are still some that get treated badly. For example, a girl named Anna got pushed into a ice box by people who aren’t immigrants because she was a immigrant (“Immigrants, legal groups allege harsh treatment at U. S border” Global Nation).

Illegal and legal immigrants get treated like animals. When people ask how are immigrants treated, it depends on their situation. Unequal rights for immigrants can affect other people in a lot of ways. Luckily, there are a lot of organizations that help immigrants with this. The first example of a organization that helps immigrants is the ACLU. The ACLU helps immigrants with the rights they have. The ACLU is always there for immigrants when they have a problem with discrimination, court, and constitution unfair rights for them. The ACLU also helps immigrants go to school.

Another example of how unequal rights affect others would be that there are some laws in Arizona that affect Asian-Americans and Latinos by what they look like. If the government doesn’t accept legal rights for a specific race, it can affect everyone because some people may be punished for something they didn’t do. The last example is that some families get deported back to their country without being heard. This affects their families because they are all seperated. (“What’s At Stake. ” www. ACLU. org) There are a lot of example of how unequal rights for immigrants can affect others.

Unequal rights for immigrants can lead to a problem in our society. The first example is that there can be violence. When immigrants get tired of having unequal rights, they can start violence towards others that have fair rights. The violence can last for a long time. Also, Immigrants usually can’t do stuff that others do. In Burmese, citizenship isn’t given to Rohingya. This caused violence because they were frustrated about this. This also affected their society by not going to school and not being able to go to work in Burmese.

The second example is this can affect the population in the society. It’s mostly known in some countries that immigrants live in poor areas since some don’t get payed much. This leads to a problem because when some immigrants have bad health, they can’t afford to go get medical help so they die. This means that the population decreases which can make the society known as a bad place to live in. The last example is that if there is unequal rights for immigrants, it can affect society economy because the economy can decrease since there wouldn’t be a lot of people working.

This means that they wouldn’t have to pay taxes either (Discrimination, inequality, and Poverty-A Human Rights Perspective. ” www. hrw. org). Unequal rights for immigrants can lead to a lot of problems in our society. Unequal rights for immigrants can affect others jobs in many ways. The first example is that some people say that illegal immigrants affect jobs because illegal immigrants don’t have the skills to work since they aren’t given the chance to be trained. If less people work at a certain job that means that the business can close since their isn’t a lot of help.

The song last example is that some people say that illegal immigrants can ruin some traditional ways when they work. They say some work very differently than others so this can affect jobs because of the way they think. This leads to having problems with others. Some people don’t want illegal immigrants in their country because sometime there can be visa abusers (Briggs, Vernon. www. cis. org) Some people don’t want illegal immigrants to work because it can affect other jobs which can lead to some problems. There are many ways how unequal rights for immigrants can affect other people healthcare.

The first example is that if immigrants can’t pay the same amount of money as everyone else, it can affect everyone. If this didn’t happen, it can benefit everyone because if everyone pays the same amount, it can give more power to the health care which will help everyone by being able to afford it. Also if this continued for a long time, the elderly’s health plan can cover others because as people get old, they need health care plans just in case they have an emergency. If the elderly pays their health care and if they are healthy, health care will have finance coverage for everyone.

The last example is that if immigrants can pay the same as everyone else, this can decrease the cost of health care which will make it easier for everyone to pay. Also everyone would have good health but since there are unequal rights for immigrants in health care, immigrants will have a hard time doing this (“Including legal immigrants in health care reform: Just what the doctor ordered. ” Immigrationpolicy. org). Unequal rights for immigrants can’t just affect immigrants in health care but it can also affect others in health care. Unequal rights for immigrants can affect bullying for kids.

This can affect bullying because some children get bullied in school for being an immigrant or for having parents that are immigrants. Children feel lonely because of this and it make them feel bad about themselves. It also makes them be shamed because of this. Another example is that some childrens show off to immigrant children what they have. They tease about how they are better than immigrants. Immigrants grow up thinking about this and realizing how they are different. The last example is that when immigrants get bullied by who they are, it makes them feel lonely and left out.

It also makes them feel like they aren’t accepted by others. Some grow up with this idea and it may make them think that they are unwanted (Scherr, Tracey. “Bullying others: Factoring in Race, Ethnicity and Immigration. “) Unequal rights for immigrants can affect bullying in a bad way and also lead into a bad path for them to grow up. There are many solutions for unequal rights for immigrants. Everyone can help out with this. The first solution is that we should treat immigrants equally. By treating them equally, immigrants can feel better about themselves in the country that they are in.

They can also know that they are in a place where they know they aren’t different from others. The second solution is that people can treat immigrants with respect so that they know they are in a safe environment and won’t regret coming to the country they are in. The last solution is to show immigrants why they can have a better life here so that they can enjoy it here and not worry about others (Rojas, Maria. “Why does the US need immigration reform? “). There are many solutions for unequal rights for immigrants. This can make a huge change in some societies.

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