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Quarter Reflection

Well, I would have to say things have changed for the better.I think. This quarter I actually had some interest in what we were doing. I could do a lot of opinionated things like our reflection things. Normally your 3rd quarter is the worst but not this year in Mrs. Dickson’s College prep. English Class, I ended up doing all my work, well that I know of, and I participated in just about everything. So here we go, I am gonna sum it all up in these next few paragraphs.

Our Miami portfolios were good and bad for me. I had my stuff where I could write what I wanted to write, and we had the crap that they wanted us to write about. We had the stuff where we could choose a poem or lyric and basically analyze it, and I loved it. I spoke my mind and had fun. Then again there was the other writing about a moment in time or a deep thought. Which I hated because I couldn’t BS my way through it. I personally don’t think this helped me at all, because I feel the same about writing as I did before and I don’t seem to write any better because of it.

Well so far we are not too far into the whole college project. I have not learned much about colleges yet or I haven’t learned anything new from what I’ve already known. I planned on going to college at U.C. anyway and studying criminology and trying getting into the CIA or the FBI.

And last we have “The Great Gatsby” personally can tell you I haven’t read much of it, and I’m not going to lie, I probably wont read it all. I will take my chances on the test and go from what I know and I think that I will do fine. It really doesn’t change me as a thinker, because the people back then are almost like people today, and they treat people the same way as they do now, so personally I don’t think there is much to think about.

Actually this quarter I feel I have done pretty well and actually I think deserve a B for the quarter, and well if there is a problem with that just consult me and tell me why I didn’t get a B.

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