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John Tyler Foreign Policy Essay

Lastly, John Tyler’s foreign policies ran very fluently, picking up on how vital the Asian Pacific region was to trade, he sent a strategic group of individuals over on a journey. This resulted in strong relations with the country. Another foreign affair involved putting a stop to a bloody war with the Seminoles, This ended lots of violence. The reason that I eliminated these seven presidents, was because their interactions with other countries wasn’t extremely significant. Due to the fact that William Henry Harrison was only president for about 32 days, he didn’t have time to dive into any foreign policies or affairs.

Another, Martin Van Buren, didn’t focus so much on foreign affairs, only enforcing the Indian Removal Act, which removed native americans, known as “The Trail of Tears”. James Polk’s communication with other countries revolved solely around America’s want for more land for settlement. Zachary Taylor was eliminated due to the fact that he didn’t have experience with foreign policies, so he did not get involved. Millard Fillmore focused more on the problems involving slavery in this time. Next, Franklin Pierce’s inadequate skills on leadership and his easily persuaded self took a toll on his loss of interaction with other countries.

Furthermore, James Buchanan was entirely focused on America, and didn’t expand his concerns to other regions. On the contrary, the next criteria I chose was providing domestic tranquility during presidency. This is way easier said than done. In order to successfully keep peace throughout one’s nation you must feel trustworthy and act quickly and accordingly to contrasting situations. Of course, I chose George Washington, who had early on realized that the way he organized and directed being president would strongly impact the way the future leaders of America would approach this position, so he took it very seriously. Washington passed orward a legacy of strength, integrity and national purpose. “The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, freeman or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own …. The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army …. Let us therefore rely on the goodness of the cause and the aid of the Supreme Being, in whose hands victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble actions” ( Washington). Through his actions and words, americans trusted how he handled situations, which helped things run more smoothly as a nation.

Even though Washington made it look so easy, president’s following him still managed to keep peace throughout. John Adams efforts in providing domestic tranquility were; passing a series of laws referred to as The Alien and Sedition Acts, these laws were put in place to make it easier to deport foreigners, and to make it more challenging for new immigrants to get the right to vote. Adams saw foreigners as a menace to American security, one of Adam’s supporters once stated “invite hordes of Wild Irishmen, nor the turbulent and disorderly of all the world, to come here with a basic view to distract our tranquillity” (Federalist).

Another act signed by Adams was known as The Sedition Act, this restricted public opposition towards the government. Severe punishments were to be given towards those who were to write or talk falsely against the government. Furthermore, the steps Jefferson took in order to provide domestic tranquility included; cutting the army into two different sections, he insisted that the congress should abolish the direct tax of 1789 and repeal the Alien and Sedition Acts. During his presidency he stated “wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another” (Jefferson).

The steps in which Madison took to create peace and end the battle with Britain were applaudable. They both agreed to negotiate an end to the war, the Treaty of Ghent was signed. Monroe’s efforts in providing domestic tranquility were very sincere, his presidency was referred to as “The Era of Good Feelings. ” America had a new outlook on their country due to the growing confidence which was all thanks to the various victories set-forth. The United States was growing very rapidly and beginning to offer several more opportunities to its citizens.

In addition, the people were beginning to become more accepting to differing ideas, this resulted in political parties starting to drift and the idea of unification had started to become more appealing. Monroe aided in the building and expanding of America, five states entered the Union during his time in office, those being; Mississippi, Illinois, Alabama, Maine and Missouri. Continuing, John Quincy Adams worked to provide domestic tranquility by supporting educational and infrastructural advancements in the shape of federal projects such as canal/ road building, national banks and universities.

Andrew Jackson provided domestic tranquility by “representing all the people” (Jackson). Lastly, John Tyler helped keep the americans at peace, and calm when he immediately jumped in as president after the death of William Henry Harrison. He set the criterion for presidential succession in years to come. | eliminated the upcoming presidents because of their lack as a leader to provide domestic tranquility, William Henry Harrison, because he served such a short time in office and his death resulted in fear for many americans.

Next to eliminate is James Polk, due to a sudden death during his term. The rest are a result of no extreme efforts put forward to unify the nation. All things considered, the third and final criteria is the accomplishments during presidency. “A great accomplishment shouldn’t be the end of the road, just a starting point for the next leap forward” (Mackay). This quote really speaks to me and makes me think of all the accomplishments that Washington made, and his continuance to move forward after already achieving such greatness.

Washington’s time in office was filled with many accomplishments, which can also explain the reason for his second term. His achievements include; organizing the first United States Cabinet and Executive branch. He was a key factor in conducting amendments to the United States constitution through the Bill of Rights, which presented your indispensable liberties and rights. Another was signing the Naval Act in 1794, to institute a Naval force. The list of accomplishments for George Washington while in office goes on, showing just how tremendous he was.

America should be immensely grateful for Washington setting the bar so substantially high for the future leaders to carry on. Accomplishments during Adams’s presidency included the creation of a stronger military to fight France, but soon after he found a more harmonious settlement to please both sides. John Adam’s signed both the Alien and Sedition Acts to try and create more unified society, though not as successful as Washington, he attributed in the creation of America in some positive ways.

Though Jefferson didn’t have several accomplishments, he had one very large and imperative one, which resulted in the nation doubling in size, The Louisiana Purchase. To continue, victories during Madison’s presidency included helping establish the Democratic-Republican party, renewing the charter for the for the United States bank to collect money for the War of 1812, though the war that Madison led was extremely mismanaged, there were a few great victories that reenergized Americans, in the end, he was finally respected for his triumphs.

Carrying on, accomplishments of Monroe included; the writing of the Monroe doctrine which warned European nations that the United States would not tolerate further colonization. Also the addition of Missouri as a slave state and maine as a free one, this was referred to as The Missouri Compromise. During his presidency, the Treaty of 1818 was signed between the U. K. and America to resolve boundary problems that they once had. The two nations agreed to a boundary line involving the 49th parallel north, this helped mend relations and create peace between the two nations.

Furthermore, successes under John Quincy Adams included; the completion of the Erie Canal, which linked the Great Lakes to the East Coast, this implemented the trade of products such as whiskey, grain and other products to markets in the east. He was given the nickname ” Old Man Eloquent” due to his passionate speeches on supporting freedom and education, Adams also voiced strongly on his opinions against slavery. Jackson’s accomplishments included; being known as the “forefather of the modern democratic party”“. A problem he encountered was when he signed the Tariff of 1832, which didn’t go over smoothly with South Carolina.

The issue escalated to a maior crisis with the threat of secession from South Carolina and its passage of the Ordinance of Nullification. Jackson proceeded by signing the Force Bill, and the Compromise Tariff of 1833, The crisis was resolved by the Compromise Tariff, this the South Carolina Convention which turned out very well. Another accomplishment includes; him strengthening the power of the presidency and expanding to strengthen his political base. His biggest accomplishment was hands down the fact that he was the first, and only president to completely pay off the national debt.

Finally, John Tyler’s several achievements involve; becoming the first vice president to succeed to president, making Florida a part of the union and he made peace with China, resulting in the Treaty of Wanghin in 1844, this allowed access to ports there. The same presidents were eliminated from the accomplishments criteria as well because of their shortage in achievements during their presidency. All things considered, my three criteria really aided me in choosing the best president during the antebellum period.

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