Creatine is an amino acid that comes from glycine, Arginine, methionine, or obtained in small quantities from the diet from meat and fish. (1, 18) Creatine is stored in the muscle. The increased availability of Creatine and phosphocreatine have been reported to maintain adenosine triphosphate levels during high intensity exercise and facilitate recovery from ongoing activities of high intensity exercise. (1) Short term Creatine supplementation improves maximal strength by 5 to 15%. 1) Creatine Monohydrate has become on of the most popular and most scientifically backed sports supplements of all time. 3, 19,18) Creatine is a compound that is naturally produced by our bodies to supply the necessary energy to our muscles.
Creatine is produced by the liver and then taken to the muscle cells by the blood where it is converted to Creatine phosphate. (3) CELL-Tech provides 10 grams of HPLC tested pure Creatine Monohydrate per serving. (6) After ingestion of Creatine Monohydrate the human body experiences a 50% creatine receptor-cite downgrade, peaking after approximately six hours. 6) Testing has shown that CELL-Tech is up to 500% more effective than regular Creatine Monohydrate. 5) CELL-Tech is scientifically designed to maximize the absorption of creatine into the muscle cells thereby causing a powerful cell-volumizing effect. It contains an ingredient called alpha lipoic acid which has been shown in studies to mimic the actions of insulin. (5) Dr. Richard Lefebrvre says “the lipoic acid that is present in CELL-Tech dramatically increases the absorption of creatine into the muscle cells.
This makes CELL-Tech the most effective creatine supplement available”. (5) Nutrition experts and trainers realize that insulin is the most anabolic hormone in the body. Once stimulated, it dries carbohydrates, amino acids, and Creatine Monohydrate molecules into muscle cells. “Due to the pH (acidity) of Lipoic Acid, users may experience a slight burning sensation in their throat while consuming CELL-Tech. Since CELL-Tech stimulates insulin production and Creatine delivery so rapidly, some individuals may be susceptible to diarrhea, nausea, tiredness, or extreme thirst.
If symptoms of sweating, nervousness, trembling, faintness, palpitation or hunger occur, discontinue product and consult a physician. ” (6) Dymatize creatine Monohydrate is engineered to be the finest creatine in the orld today. (4) Dymatize creatine Monohydrate saturates muscles, making them better prepared for high intensity activities like running, weight lifting and any other aerobic or anaerobic exercise. Saturation of the creatine in the muscles ends any limitations of total muscle production. (4) It helps to increase peak performance.
Once creatine is in the muscle it combines with phosphorous to make creatine phosphate (CP), which is a high powered chemical that supplies required energy to fuel 10 to 15 second contractions. (4) More CP in the muscle cell translates into a greater resistance to fatigue so ncreased level of CP could help in activities and events that require speed or sustained anaerobic work. (4) CP helps with the transfer of energy in the muscle cells. An increased CP level in the cells may speed up the action, which may enhance performance in events that are aerobically taxing. (4) “Eric Hultman, Ph. D. and other researchers gave five middle distant runners creatine supplements over a six day period, while another group received a placebo. The runners were timed on four 1000 meter intervals and four 300 meter sprints both before and after the supplementation period, and the results showed that the thletes taking the creatine cut their 1000 meter times from an average of 769. 8 seconds to 757 seconds, while the placebo groups’ times were actually slowed from 774. 1 seconds to 775. 3 seconds.
For the 300 meter sprint the times for the placebo group decreased from 41. seconds to 41. 4, while the creatine group dropped from 38. 4 seconds to 37. 7 seconds. ” (4) Vegetarians have much to gain from creatine also since they do not get any in their diets. They tend to have lower blood and urine creatine levels. In Hultman’s first study one of the runner who was a vegetarian showed an approximate 60 ercent increase in muscle creatine content compared to the group mean of 35 percent. (4)
Concerns have been expressed about creatine, whether or not taking creatine supplementation may cause any long term effects. It has been brought up that creatine supplementation may increase renal stress or cause liver damage. So far no studies have reported clinically significant elevations in liver enzymes in response to creatine supplementation. There have been some anecdotal claims that athletes training hard in hot or humid conditions may experience a greater incidence of severe muscle cramps when taking creatine. Supplementation may cause large fluid shifts in the muscle serving to alter electrolyte status, promote dehydration, and increase thermal stress.
However, no study has reported that creatine supplementation causes cramping, dehydration or changes in electrolyte concentrations, even though some of these studies have evaluated highly trained athletes undergoing intense training in hot/humid environments. ” (2) Another concern has come up regarding long term effects that may not be known yet. As of now, no long term clinical studies have been performed, but creatine has been used as a nutritional supplement for over 10 years now.