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Bottled Water Vs Tap Water Essay

Water is determined by the amounts and kind of suspended and dissolved substances in the water, degree of alkalinity (pH), temperature, colour and smell, and the company of undesirable microorganisms. In this experiment, we are explaining whether bottled water is more pure than tap water. For this experiment, hypothesis is which water is more pure bottled or taps water. To test the experiment we have used the equipment like bottled water, tap water and water test kit. In the research, it has been noted that tap water is more pure than bottled water.

Humans think that drinking bottled water is safer than drinking tap water but tap water has benefits. If people drink less bottled water it saves plastic resources used to manufacture plastic bottles and it saves space in landfills. The results had shown that how tap water is better than bottled water. Graphs had been showed in below experiment. There are so many qualities of tap water: safe to drink, clear and colourless, does not smell, reliable and continuous water supply. People should understand that bottled water is not completely safe.

Tap water is tested for the same contaminants as bottled water but more often. If people consume less bottled water, resources can be saved. If the taste and quality of these waters are the same then the world can drink more tap water. It can environmentally change this planet. Finally we conclude in the experiment as tap water is more pure than bottled water. Aim: To find out whether bottle water is more pure than tap water. Hypothesis: Tap water and bottled water are comparable in terms of safety. The choice of tap water or bottled water mostly depends on us.

Tap water will be more pure because the methods used to filter tap water are monitored by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) more often. Equipment: Bottled water Tap water Water test kit Method: Independent Variable-Type of water Dependent Variables- Nitrates/Nitrites/pH/Hardness Controlled Variable-Water types (Same brand and sources), Amount of water (measure) Water Types Amount of Water Place some tap water in a clean drinking glass. Fill a second clean drinking glass with bottled water. Taste the water in each of the glasses.

Based on your taste test, formulate a hypothesis about how the two sources of water differ. Following the instructions given by the test strip manufacturer, evaluate the tap water for each of the properties that the test strips is designed to evaluate. Record the results for each of the evaluations. Record levels of nitrates, nitrites, ph and hardness in a data notebook Evaluate the bottled water in the same way. Record the separate evaluations. Compare the results for the two water samples. Evaluate your hypothesis in light of the water sample tests.

Revise the hypothesis if necessary, and suggest additional tests to check it. Results: Graph 1 shows why tap water is pure than bottled water: Graph 2: Explains qualities of water showing range out of 10 Important qualities of tap water Comparison between bottle water and tap water: Bottle water Tap water Regulated by FDA (Food and Drug Administration) EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Method Water from natural springs or public sources goes through a purification process and is then bottled and distributed to retail stores.

Water is delivered through a system of pipes, pumps and purification systems to homes and buildings in the developed and developing world. Contains chlorine No Yes Contains fluoride Mostly Not Often Consumption Get from store Tap water is cheaper than mineral or bottled water. In some countries it is not consumed due to fears of contamination. Cost Up to 1000 times more expensive Less than 1 cent per gallon Graph 3 shows cost comparison: Cost of bottled water vs Tap water Drinking water whether taps or bottled water is important for healthy hydration and plays a vital role in people’s lives.

Tap water provides quality water for human consumption and other uses (e. g. , washing clothes and bathing) through a piped distribution system to specific communities. Public water systems are granted exclusive rights to provide water to consumers in a particular geographic or municipal area. Discussion: Humans think that drinking bottled water is safer than drinking tap water but tap water has benefits. If people drink less bottled water it saves plastic resources used to manufacture plastic bottles and it saves space in landfills.

There are many sources of bottled and tap water. A common source for drinking water is an underground reservoir or an aquifer. They can run dry very quickly. Another source, Groundwater, is water from the surface soaking into the ground. It can contain bacteria, metals, and pesticides. 25% of bottled water comes from the same place as tap water. Yet, humans still believe that bottled water is better. Most bottled water holds bacteria and fungi, and has no chlorine to stop these chemicals from growing. BPA can be found in many types of plastic and reusable bottles.

The FDA and The EPA monitor chemicals in tap and bottled water. Most water contaminants can be filtered out of water but not all. Tap Water Is Better Than Bottled Water because of the following reasons: Bottled water is regulated by FDA and tap water is regulated by EPA. The EPA has tighter restrictions and inspection regimens, while the FDA has a less stringent disclosure of consumer information. There will be less Environmental strain. Research shows that most purchased plastic bottles are not recycled.

Bottled water is estimated to cost 2,000 times more than tap. Tap water is free and will be included in your utility costs. Bottles may be harmful. When the bottles are reused, they release more harmful chemicals. Bottled water does not contain trace amounts of chlorine to help disinfect bacteria, as tap water does. Conclusion: Tap water will be more pure because the methods used to filter tap water are monitored by the FDA and EPA more often. Research shows that tap water is more pure than bottled water.

Bottled water needs to be avoided due to potential bacterial overgrowth growth. So Tap water is preferred. Although tap water or city water may not have the appeal that some bottled waters have, it’s a healthy and low-cost alternative to bottled waters. Most tap water is completely okay to drink. If you’re worried about it, just purchase a filtered pitcher that sits in your refrigerator so that you have an extra level of filtration. Tap water is tested more frequently and for more bacteria and chemicals than bottled water.

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