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AIDS virus essay

AIDS is actually the final stage… of infection with what we know as the AIDS virus (Langone 8). AIDS is… also accepted as a syndrome, a collection of specific, life- threatening… infections and symptoms that is the result of an underlying immune deficiency – a deficiency not caused by any known conditions and illnesses other than infection with the AIDS virus (8). There is one main explanation of how AIDS started and came to America. Scientists believe that when the Portuguese took Africans to Japan, the Africans got AIDS from the monkeys (63).

The monkeys would be in the trash, and when the people, ncluding the Africans, would chase the monkeys away, the monkeys would fight back biting and scratching (63). That is how the Africans got AIDS, but scientists do not know how AIDS got to Africa (63). Scientists do know how AIDS got to America. Haitian laborers went to Africa and contracted the disease ( Hay 13-14). Then the laborers returned to Haiti, and met homosexual men from the United States (13-14).

The homosexual men contracted AIDS from the Haitians and returned to the United States When AIDS is in peoples bodies it does not mean people are infected with the irus, but there is a 20-50 percent chance that the virus will infect the patient ( Langone 9). AIDS also has many symptoms that come with it, but there are also many medications and therapies that help, but education is the most effective. AIDS, a fatal disease caused by HIV, causes painful symptoms that can be treated with medications and therapies but can not be cured.

HIV causes AIDS by HIV infection, dysfunction, and the ultimate destruction of the cells that present the intracellular microbes that cause infection to the CD4 and CD8 cells ( Caulfield and Goldberg 95 ). People can ontract AIDS many different ways such as: through sex, sex with the same sex, and Drug users that are infected are the greatest single threat to potentially spread the infection of HIV (Quackenbush and Nelson ). IV (intraveneous) drug use is the second largest transmission category for AIDS in the United States, representing a consistent 17 percent of the diagnosed cases nationally (275).

Over half of all women with AIDS have been IVdrug users and more than half children have parents who are IV drug users (275). 90 percent of all AIDS in state, federal, county prisons, and jails were found to be IV drug sers (275). It is very difficult for safety messages to get through to drug users because of: denial, addictive nature, of rich behaviors, impairment of judgment, and lack of space The AIDS [virus] itself… does not kill (Langone 8). It destroys the bodys capacity to ward off bacteria and viruses that would ordinarily be fought off by a properly functioning immune system, and it is the diseases,… hat eventually kill victims(8).

The author says one can say that the AIDS virus itself does not kill, nor does it… cause the various diseases associated with the syndrome; most of the disastrous events are simply he result of the damage to the immune system (8). There are many symptoms to AIDS: they are swollen glands which occur in the neck, armpits, or groin with or without pain (12-13). Swollen glands is one of the most common symptoms (12-13). Unexpected and unexplained weight loss of more than 10 pounds in less than two months and loss of appetite (12).

Another symptom is also leg weakness, unexplained fever that lasts more than a week (12). White blemishes and spots in the mouth (13). Hairy leukoplakia which shows with white scars in the mouth, tongue, or vagina caused by overgrowth of the mucous membrane (13). Shingles a very painful viral disease that are blisters that develop along the course of a nerve (13). Night sweats: several weeks of waking up drenched with sweat, continued diarrhea which is caused by a protozoan parasite which may be chronic (13). Persistent dry coughing not from smoking and it lasts too long to be a cold or flu (13).

Current estimates suggest that an infected person who does not have symptoms will probably develop detectable antibodies to the virus in two to eight months after the initial exposure, but in some people six or more months may go by before there is evidence of infection(11). But while the time between infection and the presence of antibodies may be tracked, the length of time that an infected person will remain free of symptoms seem to vary widely, from days to many years (11). There are many infections that come with AIDS.

Tuberculosis is very harmful to AIDS patients because it can spread to the bones, lymph nodes, the rectum, nerves, and the lining around the heart (16). Kaposis Sarcoma is more likely in homosexual men with AIDS then it is in other AIDS patients (16). It spreads to the gastorin testical tract, the lymph nodes, and lungs (16). It has also turned up in the brain (16). Lymphoma is the first sign of AIDS (14). Pneumonia is the most common infection that is diagnosed in AIDS patients and has a death rate of 25 to 50 percent (14). Cryptosporidiosis is severe diarrhea and can result in death (15).

Cryptocossosis is caused by a yeast like fungus which results in about up to 25% of deaths even with treatment (15). Herpes simplex virus which causes lesions on the mouth, the rectum, and genital areas which are mild in people with out AIDS but more severe to people with AIDS (15). AIDS does not kill you, death results from a form of cancer, Kaposiss Sarcoma, hat is far more aggressive in AIDS patients …. (8). There are plenty of therapies for AIDS patients. If you exercise it will make AIDS patients feel better and it stimulates the energy of your body (Hay 240-41).

Acupuncture can increase energy, well being, and respiratory status and decrease the size of nodes, ]elief of night sweats, and diarrhea (240-41). Massages can relax your body which will make you feel good (241-42). Also Reiki is good and it is directing energy from one person to another with their hands (241-42). Trager is also another good therapy, it relaxes one part of the body at a time (242). Rolfing is related to Trager but is more specific and concentrated (242). Crsytal healing has been used for thousand of years (243). It is known to have special properties that could help in spiritual and physical healing (243).

Your mental attitude will help also (243). Taking massive doses of vitamin C will help build your immune system and fight off other diseases (239-40). Homeopathy is a system of using natural substances to alleviate symptoms (239-40). There are also many medications to help against AIDS and infections associated with AIDS. IMREG-1: increases the T4 levels and helps the immune system a little (209- 0). Inosiplex: increases the production of NKL(Natural Killer Lymphocytes) (209-10). Interleukin-2: known as a T-cell growth factor has shown to proliferate all T-cell subsets (209-10).

AL-721: It will coat all the body cells making it difficult for AIDS to replicate (210). Beta-interferon: this treats Kaposis Sarcoma but has severe side effects like nausea, weight loss, and muscular pain (210). AZT: It fools AIDS with an artificial form of amino acid which is necessary for reproduction (210). Chinese herbal medications and Acupuncture have become very popular to. Many AIDS patients use Marijuana. Since the government will not allow AIDS patients to smoke it they have to do it illegally and its more dangerous like that (Bruno et al. 201).

There is no guarantee patients will get Marijuana, second theres no guarantee of potency, and third the product on the street may contain contaminants or be adulterated with other drugs (201). Marinol is a synthetic drug which mimics T4C the most psychoactive chemical in Marijuana (200). It takes from one to four hours for Marinol to p. 5 work if it even does but AIDS patients say in five to ten minutes Marijuana works (200- Candidasis another major symptom commonly known as thrush, is a yeast infection that grows in the mouth and throat and causes severe pain (Caulfield and Goldberg 80).

It grows when the immune system is severely damage for example if a person has AIDS (80). There are some treatments for Candidiasis. They are tea tree oil which is an extract of a tree native to Australia it was tired and it works for mucusal fungal infections (82). The mixture is gargled (82). Pau DArco also known as Taheebo and Ipi Roxo is an extract from the bark of a South American tree used for centuries (81). It has anti fungal roperties (81). Garlic works for all but two candidiasis strings (81). It also prevents other cancers (81). Gamma-Linoleic Acid (OLA) is an essential fatty acid often extracted from evening primrose flowers (82).

It helps prevent Candidiasis from becoming systematically invasive (82). Lactobacillus helps maintain the balance of fungus and bacteria in the intestinal tract (82). Biotin is a B-vitamin that treats thrush infections (82). Dieting helps because Candidiasis feeds on sugar and over processed carbohydrates. Education is important in preventing AIDS. Teachers of all grade levels need to ave the same knowledge to handle questions that arise in class, in case there are any students with AIDS they will be able to talk to them about AIDS (Quackenbush and Nelson 167).

The Centers for Disease Control recommends that teachers need to be trained, communities need to be involved and classroom time needs to be provided for Educators are anxious about their role and responsibility, especially since education is the biggest deterrent to AIDS (165-66). Teachers recognize the importance of education to stop the spread of all diseases especially AIDS, but since AIDS education equires to talk about sexuality and drugs that makes some administrators feel uneasy Some critics think that AIDS education programs are not good for our youth and that abstinence is the only way to prevent AIDS (Leon et.Al. ,203).

People also think teaching children about condoms and distributing them is the wrong approach (202). Home education about AIDS is also extremely important (Quackenbush, and Nelson 106). Aids brings up many questions related to personal values, and children learn values most powerfully and effectively from their parents (106). Schools or other rganizations providing AIDS programs can help parents learn how to talk to their kids about AIDS (107). Parents can not control their childrens behavior, but they can help protect them through education(106).

Most parents have a hard time talking about sex, and drugs to their children but such matters come up in discussing about AIDS with your child (106). The National PTA offers the following recommendations to parents embarking on this task: the first and most important step is for the parent to start talking (106). Provide and discuss information that kids will understand. Learn accurate information about AIDS and teach your kids how they can get AIDS (106).

Find out what kids think they know about AIDS and correct what they have wrong (102). Tell kids that casual contact with an AIDS patients will not harm them (107). Teenagers face special AIDS related risks due to high level of sexual activity and drug use (107). Teens need to know detailed facts about AIDS (107). Teens should understand that as long as they make good decisions and refrain from high risk behavior they can avoid AIDS (107). Parents should also discuss modes of transmissions(107).

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