Rashad Singleton arrived at the Chesterfield County Juvenile Detention Home Community Placement Program (CPP) on May 9, 2016. According to DJJ records, Rashad was committed by City of Richmond Juvenile Domestic Relations Court on March 11, 2016. His early LOS is calculated at August 11, 2016. It seems that a release date of August 11, 2016 does not appear appropriate for Rashad at this time. Rashad has a pending custody court date on September 1, 2016 at the City of Richmond Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court.
This case manager was informed by his parole officer that the court date is to determine if he will go into foster care. In addition, Rashad continues to display significant behavioral concerns. Rashad had a MHSTP screening on April 18, 2016, which determined he did not meet criteria for a mental health services transitional plan. Rashad’s last YASI re-assessment was on March 18, 2016, prior to his arrival at CJDH CPP. Rashad is currently not prescribed any medication. He is receiving melatonin to assist with his sleeping patterns.
Rashad is currently on the Silver Phase, and has made no attempt towards level promotion. Rashad’s adjustment to CJDH CPP has been poor. Rashad has received room restrictions on: June 2, 2016 for 48 hours, June 14, 2016 for 7 hours and June 23, 2016 for 48 hours. The placements on room restriction has been due to disrespectful behavior towards staff/curse and abuse, disrespectful display/disruption of school and challenging staff/ arguing with staff, as well as expressing threats towards staff. In each of these incidents, Rashad has denied any wrong doing.
Rashad’s behavior since being placed at CJDH has been challenging, despite numerous staff interventions, conferences to address his behavior and the development of his behavior contract. Rashad, also at times, appears unwilling to accept staff redirection without arguing or becoming disrespectful, which often results in an escalation of minor circumstances. On June 2, 2016, while serving room restriction for another offense, Rashad made direct threats to harm staff and was observed attempting to provoke other residents to physically attack that staff member.
Rashad has flat out refused staff directives in his most recent incident, which resulted in a 48 hour room restriction. On June 23, 2016, Rashad again made direct threats towards staff and became verbally aggressive towards staff when redirected. This incident is the latest in which he has made direct threats towards staff. In addition he remained defiant for several hours following his placement on room restriction and continued to ignore staff directives.
This behavior is not only displayed in the CPP Unit, but he displays negative behaviors in the classroom and within a group setting; which results in disruption of services for other residents, as well as persuading others to be disruptive. Rashad does not appear to be motivated by the negative reinforcement initiated through the CJDH Behavior Management Program, or by the rewards-based incentives he can earn through the program commissary. Rashad often times informs staff that he “plans” to remain on the “Silver Phase”.
Rashad’s behavior can become so disruptive to the CPP unit; the other residents appear to be put off by his actions. Rashad often isolates himself from the other residents and his moods vary, often. This reporting period, he has also attempted to incite conflict between other residents and has attempted to encourage other residents to physically attack staff members. At times, he appears to display tantrum-like behaviors when he does not get his way or loses in any type of competition. This causes a trickle-down effect for Rashad’s moods, in which it is hard for him to move past the incident.
There have been days since his arrival that his affect remains negative for days at a time. This case manager has consulted the facility clinician about Rashad and the behavior he is displaying on the unit. On June 16, 2016, two CAP Counselors, Mrs. Kathy Kirven and Mrs. Angus Ijasan, from the Department of Juvenile Justice visited the CJDH CPP. Rashad expressed the desire to return to Bon Air and negative perspective with having to adhere to CJDH CPP rules and regulations to both CAP Counselors. Rashad’s affect and participation in CJDH CPP groups varies, which appear to be dependent on his mood.
For the most part, Rashad actively participates in Aggression Replacement Training (ART), which staff contributes to it being a part of his “mandatory treatment. ” He has improved this reporting period participating in Moral Reconation Training (MRT). However, Rashad continues to questions “why he has to complete” MRT, noting it is not part of his “mandatory treatment. ” He often presents a very negative attitude, does not contribute thoughts and appears disengaged throughout the group. The behavior expectations for group participation have been explained to Rashad on numerous times, as well as the importance of why CJDH CPP facilitates MRT.
Rashad’s behavior and negative affect, negatively impacts the entire group dynamics in any given activity. Rashad has participated in Aggression Replacement Training (ART) groups on the following dates: o 06/01/2016 o 06/02/2016 o 06/07/2016 o 06/13/2016 o 06/14/2016 o 06/16/2016 o 06/20/2016 Please note two ART groups were conducted on 06/14/2016 and 06/20/2016. Rashad participated in collateral anger management psycho-educational group on 06/27/2016 and 06/28/2016. Rashad has participated in Moral Reconation Training (MRT) groups on the following dates: o 06/01/2016 o 06/08/2016 06/15/2016 Rashad is currently on Step 2, it should be noted that he missed a MRT group session on 068/24/2016 due to his placement on room restriction.
Rashad is on Step 2, but he should be at least on Step 5 based on the time he has been at CJDH CPP and sessions afforded to him. Rashad has participated in the following Substance Abuse Groups: o Staying Quit, a component of MRT was not offered during this review period, due to Rashad not progressing to at least Step 3 of MRT. No collateral substance abuse groups were offered due to his refusal to fully engage in MRT.
Behavior: Rashad continues to struggle with adhering to CJDH CPP rules, behavior expectations and fully engage in the treatment component of CJDH CPP. Rashad is more than capable of displaying appropriate behavior, and engaging, but it appears that he chooses not too at times. Rashad has received sanctions almost on a daily basis for disrespect towards staff, failure to follow directives given, challenging staff, threats towards staff and cursing. Rashad has received three room restrictions this reporting period, and three the previous reporting period.
His continued room restrictions has negative impacted his progress in the treatment aspect of CJDH CPP. In addition, Rashad has received numerous staff interventions, conferences and discussions about his behavior. A behavior contract was implemented to address his behavior and encourage a commitment to do the program as required. It is important to note Rashad has verbalized intentions of this nature previously, but his actions following an incident are consistently incongruent with his expressed intentions. Education: According to DJJ records, Rashad is a high school student without an active IEP.
He attends school daily with the school residents and is hoping to return to “regular” school this upon his return to the community. However, Rashad’s behavior has become increasingly more defiant in the classroom. At times, he is compliant and will complete all assigned work. However, at other times, he will refuse to complete his assigned work. All the CJDH teachers have been complimentary as he can complete the work, when he is engaged. Rashad is working on several vocational certifications while in CJDH CPP.
Family Participation: Rashad’s mother, Ms. Neidra Singleton, has not visited Rashad since his arrival at CJDH CPP, due to transportation issues. Rashad does have frequent phone calls, in which he talks to his mother and no issues have been reported. This case manager has been in contact with Ms. Singleton, in which she confirms the behavior CJDH CPP is seeing, is the same behavioral issues he was having in the home. CSU Participation: There has been regular contact between this Case Manager and Parole Officer, Mrs. Detrina Crawley. Mrs. Crawley did visit CJDH on June 2, 2016, after a request was made by this case manager to address Rashad’s behavior with him.
The projected early release date of August 11, 2016 does not appear to be appropriate at this time, due to the pending custody date on September 1, 2016 in which his placement in Foster Care may be probable and due to his continued poor behavioral adjustment since his arrival. In addition, Rashad’s behavior he has consistently displayed while in CJDH CPP does not warrant efforts made on his part to address his behavior while participating in CJDH CPP. Continuing Needs/Recommendations: Rashad’s lack of effective progress and continued behavioral issues in these areas presents concern with him remaining as a participant in the program.
A request to have Rashad removed from CJDH CPP was submitted to CAP Counselor, Mrs. Angus Ijasan on June 28, 2016. It is important to note that we do not perceive Rashad possessing an inability to comprehend what is expected as a participant in the program, but more of his unwillingness to apply effective effort. Shall Rashad remain at CJDH CPP, he would benefit from continued participation in all treatment components of CJDH CPP, if he opens himself to be receptive to the experience and privilege of CJDH CPP.