The Syrian Refugee Crisis

The Syrian refugee crisis has divided American politics but united American Jewry. With state politicians taking strong stands on both sides, the polarizing question of whether to open our doors to Syrian refugees has created yet another wonderful opportunity for color-coded US maps (mellow yellow = welcoming refugees, orange = NOT welcoming refugees, noncommittal gray … Read more

The harrowing stories of the Jews persecution

The following asocial elements are to be transferred from the prison to the Reichsfuehrer S. S. to be worked to death: persons under protective arrest, Jews, Gypsies, Russians, Ukrainians, Poles . . . Czechs, and Germans with sentences of more than eight years . . . quoted by Reichsfuehrer S. S. Himmler, on September 18, … Read more

Hitler’s Rise To Power

The name Hitler stirs up many emotions inside the hearts of people. What could have made Hitler so hostile towards the Jews? Could it have been his unhappy childhood, frustrated adolecsnce, his artistic disappointment, rejection from the Jewish society or merely the wound he received on the front during World War I. Adolf Hitler or … Read more

Anti-Semitism Influence

The word rests in a conversation like a foul stench and with it comes unbidden images and accusations. Today in many circles this word alone is possibly the most horrendous name to place on a person. Maybe though, not because of what it means, but because of what it brings to mind. Automatically and unwanted, … Read more

Arab-Israeli Conflict

On November 29, 1947, the United Nations voted to divide the Middle Eastern land called Palestine into two independent nations, one Arab and one Jewish. On May 14, 1948, a new nation was born: Israel. The Jews of Israel and the world celebrated with joy and gladness, because for over two thousand years, they had … Read more

Jewish Christian Relations

While we speak about the tenuous relationship between Christians and Jews dating back to the time of Christ, the seeds for the schism within Judaism may have been planted more than 500 years prior. Jeremiah was one of a group of distinguished prophets whose works became part of the Old Testament canon. The Jewish “wisdom” … Read more

Auschwitz the Nazi Concentration Camp

Located thirty-seven miles west of Krakow, Auschwitz was the camp where Jewish people were killed and worked. This camp , out of all the rest tortured the most people. At the camp there was a place called the “Black Wall,” this was where the people were executed . In March of 1941, there was another … Read more

The camp Auschwitz

Located thirty-seven miles west of Krakow, Auschwitz was the camp where Jewish people were killed and worked. This camp, out of all the rest tortured the most people. At the camp there was a place called the “Black Wall,” this was where the people were executed. In March of 1941, there was another camp that … Read more

Night From the View of an S.S. Officer

This whole situation started out simple enough. The men and myself first moved into a little town called Sighet. The people there seemed so naive. None of them realized what was about to happen; none of them realized what happened when the Germans move into town. We first started by imprisoning the officials and made … Read more

Ordinary Men Analysis

The men of Reserve Police Battalion 101 were just ordinary men, from a variety of backgrounds, education, and age. It would appear that they were not selected by any force other than random chance. Their backgrounds and upbringing, however, did little to prepare these men for the horrors they were to witness and participate in. … Read more

Jews and the Lublin district

Tens of thousands of Jews from Germany and Austria were deported to the Lublin district at the end of 1939/beginning of 1940, and, on a smaller scale, in the years following. After the Wannsee Conference, Eichmann’s office, early in March, 1942, ordered that most of the deportation trains from the Third Reich be rerouted from … Read more

Survivors of the Holocaust

The world’s biggest desolation that caused the murders of millions of Jewish people took place during WWII. The Holocaust orchestrated by the Nazi Empire destroyed millions of lives and created questions about humanity that may never be answered. Many psychological effects caused by the Holocaust forever changed the way the Jewish people view the world … Read more

The Magic Barrel

Who else from any Jewish – American authors can translate Yeddish for the American readers so colorfully and honestly? Who else can represent the reality of Jewish life with love and light irony? This is Bernard Malamud, who was born in family of Russian – Jewish immigrants. He found his characters in real Jewish community. … Read more