Autism a disorder

Autism is a disorder that impairs the development of a person’s capacity to interact with, communicate with, and also maintain regular “normal” bonds with the outside world. This disorder was described in 1943 by Leo Kanner, an American psychologist. Autism is considered one of the more common developmental disabilities, and appears before the age of … Read more

Misdiagnosis Of Attention Deficit Disorder – ADD

This is a question that has remained unanswered for a very long time. ADD, also known as attention deficit disorder, has to do with the brain. This disorder was at one time thought to be related to brain damage. Nowadays however, it is actually quite common. It is reported that about 40 percent of the … Read more

Various Genetic Disorders

Alterations in human chromosomes or the deletion of an important gene product are often due to a mutation, which can spring an abundant strand of genetic mutations and improper coding. Mutations can spring from deletion, duplication or inversion of a chromosome. This improper deletion is the factor that leads to complications and ultimately genetic disorders. … Read more

Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder in children

Sam was your average 4-year-old boy. He had many friends and was well liked by everyone. All in all he seemed be well adjusted. However, when he started kindergarten, his teacher started sending notes home to his mother telling her that Sam was causing trouble and not following the rules. His mother was concerned, and … Read more

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

In this day and age, drugs are being prescribed without hesitation. Many of these drugs are being prescribed for children with various disorders. One of these disorders is called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a syndrome caused by a biochemical imbalance. It has hundreds of symptoms that appear selectively in a certain children. … Read more

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD)

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) is much more prevalent in todays society compared to previous generations. More and more people are being diagnosed at an alarming rate. To our surprise, I learned this disorder does not only affect children. There are many adults who suffer from it also. ADHD characteristics are neuro-biologically based, and they often change … Read more

Schizophrenia, A Mental Disorder

When I lived in Germany, I had a friend who played on my High School tennis team. On a sunny afternoon after our tennis lessons we decided to drink an ice tea and have a little snack at the tennis snack bar. We started talking about tennis strategies, but my friend, Thomas, was kind of … Read more

Battered Women’s Syndrome

In 1991, Governor William Weld modified parole regulations and permitted women to seek commutation if they could present evidence indicating they suffered from battered women’s syndrome. A short while later, the Governor, citing spousal abuse as his impetus, released seven women convicted of killing their husbands, and the Great and General Court of Massachusetts enacted … Read more

Frederick Banting Diabetes

Frederick Banting Diabetes is a chronic disorder in which the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin. Insulin is an important hormone for the metabolism of sugar in the body. When the pancreas fails to provide the body with insulin, these sugar build up in the blood stream. Therefore, the body can’t use the food energy ingested … Read more

Neurofibromatosis – Genetic Diseases

Neurofibromatosis is a disorder affecting the chromosomes of the human body. It is a hereditary disorder affecting the nervous system. The term neurofibromatosis actually refers to two different genetic diseases. The most common type is NF 1, and the less common type is NF 2. Both disorders are transmitted in an autosomal dominant fashion. An … Read more

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder known as ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder known as ADHD, it is a disorder that is found in children and can continue into adulthood. The child has the symptoms of inattention and a combination of hyperactive impulsive behavior. Some children dont develop these symptoms till late childhood or early adolescence. This disorder occurs more with boys than girls. … Read more

Mental Illness Essay

Mental illness is a disorder that is characterized by disturbances in a persons thought, emotions, or behavior. Mental illness refers to a wide variety of disorders, ranging from those that cause mild distress to those that impair a persons ability to function in daily life. Many have tried to figure out the reasons for mental … Read more

ADD: Who does it effect and what are the treatments

I chose this topic because being a young person I personally know a good amount of people who have ADD and are treated with the drug Ritalin, and at one time or another most people have a hard time focusing and think whether they have a problem or not. While doing this report at times … Read more

Attention Deficit Disorder

Five-year-old Danny is in kindergarten. It is playtime and he hops from chair to chair, swinging his arms and legs restlessly, and then begins to fiddle with the light switches, turning the lights on and off again to everyone’s annoyance–all the while talking nonstop. When his teacher encourages him to join a group of other … Read more

Sleepin Disorders Essay

Approximately 30 million Americans are victims of a sleep disorder called Obstructive sleep apnea. Man millions more are predisposed and have a high risk of developing the illness. If you are and adult male, the odds are about 50/50 that your breathing is not normal when you are sleeping. What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)? … Read more

Attention Deficit Disorder

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is a problem that affects 5% to 10% of all children ADD affect more children than any other childhood problems except asthma. It is estimated to be the largest single cause for first referrals to child guidance clinics throughout the country, making up as many as 40% of those cases. Many … Read more

What is Asthma

Asthma is a disorder that affects 20% of Australians in their childhood. It causes airways to narrow making it difficult to breathe. Symptoms may include loss of breathe in cold weather, wheezing and whistling. It may occur periodically in sudden sharp attacks. When an attack occurs – The muscles around the wind pipe tighten shrinking … Read more

Victims Of School Failure

In this day and age learning disabilities are attracting people’s attention. Many kids go through school almost in a daze not knowing exactly what is going on. At times, teachers will ignore the problem and teach the rest of the class. There is a wide variety of learning disabilities, but the most common one is … Read more

Anti-Social Personality Disorder

In a world full of fears, perhaps the worst one a human being should have is that to be afraid of his fellow man. The human that should be most feared is the one that has Anti-Social Personality Disorder or in laymen’s terms the psychopath. The psychopath is probably the most deviant mind that exists … Read more

Is Ritalin the Answer to ADHD

The tousled brown hair that weaves so mischievously around his head may hint at the way he feels inside. He is seven-years-old and has already had to repeat a grade. He has an imagination that puts others to shame, but nothing seems to hold his attention for more than five minutes. He was recently diagnosed … Read more

Social and Bio-genetic Influences of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder on Child Intelligence

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has undergone intense research in the past decade. Much of this is rooted in the fact that approximately 5% of children are affected with the disorder. Children with ADHD are identified as having increased behavioral difficulties because of excessive motor activities, poor self regulation and inattentiveness. It has been found that … Read more

Attention Deficit Disorder

Five-year-old Danny is in kindergarten. It is playtime and he hops from chair to chair, swinging his arms and legs restlessly, and then begins to fiddle with the light switches, turning the lights on and off again to everyone’s annoyance–all the while talking nonstop. When his teacher encourages him to join a group of other … Read more

Are We Paying Attention or is Ritalin Mothers Little Helper

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) are increasingly being discussed interchangeably. It has captured the attention of researchers everywhere. With this disorder there exist prevailing evaluations, and positive reinforcements, behavior modifications which impact children with special needs. Often times, behavior is associated with learning, for example, out of seat behavior and … Read more

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a very common disorder in school age children. It is a disorder that is commonly over diagnosed to children and is often confused with normal child behavior. At a young age, children are often very active, impulsive, and there attention span is minimal, but this is often mistaken for … Read more