StudyBoss » Characteristics


The profile is a means to publicly search for criminals and call them to arrest them. In addition, the profile in the school provides us with an overview of the most important data, characteristics and characteristics of a person, subject or subject, and gives the reader a summary of the essentials.The profile can be used as a basis for the description of persons, characterization or even role biography, and is frequently used in German lessons to create a first introduction to the description of things, persons or facts. Furthermore, the profile can be used to deal with literary protagonists or theater figures.

Note: In this article, we would like to show you how such a profile is built, what things should be placed in it, and how to explain the whole thing using examples. We would also like to show you how you can write and design a profile.

Write a letter
This form of writing requires that we have gathered a lot of information about a person, an object, or a subject. Collecting should be the first step.

It depends on which information we would like to offer in our profile. On the one hand, we could prepare all possible information about a person, but on the other hand it is usually more useful to concentrate on the most important things. That is, the information that makes a person or a subject really stand out and clearly distinguishes it from other things.

It is therefore important that we decide which facts are named. However, in no case should any unique features be missing (name or theme and appearance or texture). After all, the profile can vary greatly from subject to topic. According to this, the essential facts should be mentioned in each case, and only then be decorated.
As a result, we will give you some examples of the different types. We would like to cover all possible forms of the profile so that you can decide for yourself which structure is suitable for you.

Structure of a person profile
Since the profile is always subjectively written, there can be no clear specification for the structure. All indications are therefore to be understood only as suggestions for the design.

Structure of a profile
Facts about the person
First and Last Name
Birthday and place
place of residence
Photo if possible
Characteristics of the person
Eye Color
Hair color
Preferences of the person
Favourite Colour
favorite Food
favorite music
Hobbies and activities
Activity of the person
Voluntary work
Other Information
Funny details and exciting facts can be found here. But also the relationship status, the course of the career or other information, which we select freely, can be briefly defined and form the conclusion of the profile.
Note: All of the above features are, of course, only to be understood as suggestions. No profile has to pick up all these points and bundle them. Many other adjectives to describe a person can be found in our extensive list of character traits.

Note on structure: If we make such an overview, we should try to go from the general to the particular. We know this principle from the description of the person.

Construction of an animal profile
Also in animals, the following details are only suggestions on our part and in no case a must. Find out the facts you want to have in the profile.

Development of a profile for an animal
General facts about the animal
Name (Does not have to be in any case
Race (and Latin name)
The most important features (short!)
Occurrence / spread
Photo if possible
(Natural enemies
Physical characteristics
Body length and tail length
Shoulder height (height, height at withers)
Dentition (number of teeth up and down)
Life expectancy
Other: angle of view, heart beat, pressure of the jaw, etc.
way of living
Nutrition (carnivores, herbivores)
Rudolph or loner?
Mating time, sex maturity and boys per litter
Characteristics of the animal
What can the animal do particularly well?
What can not the animal do so well?
Other Information
Possibly this information should be discussed with a teacher, since they are optional (voluntary). Here personal knowledge about the animal can be held or what one likes at this particular. Also funny and noteworthy details can be found here.
Note: Even with this template for the profile, most of the information is only an idea. Only the general facts about the animal should not be missing in any animal profile.


Example of the profile
To further substantiate what has been written, we would like to show you the whole thing by way of an example. For this example we have made a profile for a dog.

Description of the example of a dog
Note: As you can see, we have not used all the features of our template. Only the most important facts and some significant details have been used.

The most important overview
The profile is actually from the criminalistics. This means that he should show in a few key points, who is meant and described with him.
This means that he should provide information about a person, animal or topic as closely as possible.
There are no guidelines on how long such a short overview should be. The right length is reached when all the important facts are mentioned.

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