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The Stroop Effect Essay

The stroop effect can be tested many different ways. John Ridley Stroop was the founder of the stroop effect in 1935. Some people came up with different ways to test the stroop effect. For males and females, the stroop effect can be different based on their perception of colors and their reaction times. The stroop effect is known by many people but they usually don’t know what it really is. The point of this experiment was to see whether different genders have a faster reaction time. ” Female participants seemed to respond faster in naming colours of incongruent colour words than males. ” http:// www. kessays. com/essays/psychology/gender-differences-instroop-effect-psychology-essay. php.

For example females have faster reaction time than male in the stroop effect experiment. “Female participants seemed to respond faster in naming colours of incongruent colour words than males. ” ( Gender Differences In Stroop Effect, Para. 1). Will this experiment be easier on very young children than for older children or adults. ” I think that this puzzle would be easier for a very young child than for older children or adults. Try this out on some small kids who know their colors, but cannot yet read!

I would imagine that the children would not get confused by this puzzle because the words would not have any meaning to them. ” (Para. 3) http:// faculty. washington. edu/chudler/words. html . For instance very young children will have an easier time rather than older children or adults said Chudler, E. “I think that this puzzle would be easier for a very young child than for older children or adults. Try this out on some small kids who know their colors, but cannot yet read! I would imagine that the children would not get confused by this puzzle because the words would not have any meaning to them.

The stroop effect can be tested many different ways. Even the simplest one can be unknown. People may think that the reaction time between females and males are the same but they don’t know the difference between them. The reaction time between females and males are very different. “The first test is easy because the color and meaning of the word are congruent. There is no conflict. The second test is hard because the color and meaning of the word are incongruent. This creates a conflict that the brain has to resolve. ” https://www. math. unt. edu/~tam/SelfTests/ StroopEffects. html.

For example the reaction time will differ from the different stroop effect experiments. ”The first test is easy because the color and meaning of the word are congruent. There is no conflict. The second test is hard because the color and meaning of the word are incongruent. This creates a conflict that the brain has to resolve. ” (Para. 1). How come there are different reaction times in the test? “In two classic experiments, Stroop first compared reading a list of words printed in black with reading the same list of words printed in incongruent colors. Stroop found that there was little difference in reading time for the two lists.

Stroop then compared the naming of colors for a list of solid color squares with the naming of colors for a list of words printed in incongruent colors. Subjects averaged 74% longer to name ink colors of incongruent words. ” https://www. rit. edu/cla/gssp400/sbackground. html. For instance it averages 74% longer to name the ink colors of incongruent words in this experiment. “In two classic experiments, Stroop first compared reading a list of words printed in black with reading the same list of words printed in incongruent colors. Stroop found that there was little difference in reading time for the two lists.

Stroop then compared the naming of colors for a list of solid color squares with the naming of colors for a list of words printed in incongruent colors. Subjects averaged 74% longer to name ink colors of incongruent words. ” (Para. 2). People may think that the reaction time is the same between females and males but the different reasons are endless. In the stroop effect the colors are the main point in the experiment, even if it sounds like it’s nothing. How the mind sees it and its reaction to seeing the colors. ” The first test is easy because the color and meaning of the word are congruent. There is no conflict.

The second test is hard because the color and meaning of the word are incongruent. This creates a conflict that the brain has to resolve. The reason why it takes longer is because the brain has to suppress the wrong answer that interferes with the right answer, before the right answer comes through. ” https://www. math. unt. edu/~tam/SelfTests/ StroopEffects. html . For instance the brain creates a conflict that it has to resolve. “The first test is easy because the color and meaning of the word are congruent. There is no conflict. The second test is hard because the color and meaning of the word are incongruent.

This creates a conflict that the brain has to resolve. The reason why it takes longer is because the brain has to suppress the wrong answer that interferes with the right answer, before the right answer comes through. ” (Para. 1) What do the colors do in the stroop effect. “The above demonstration does not even take into account the incorrect responses in naming the colors. If you let the wrong answer to slip through impulsively, without waiting for the right answer to come through, it’s because the brain does not have enough inhibition to suppress the wrong choice. ” https:// www. math. unt. edu/~tam/SelfTests/StroopEffects. html .

For example the colors backup or interrupt the brain when thinking. “The above demonstration does not even take into account the incorrect responses in naming the colors. If you let the wrong answer to slip through impulsively, without waiting for the right answer to come through, it’s because the brain does not have enough inhibition to suppress the wrong choice. ” (Para. 2). The colors have a really big role in the stroop effect and it is important to know. Females and males aren’t really two components in the stroop effect but it can be very useful data. What is the difference between females and males in the stroop effect. Some indication was found that the sex difference in naming colors is due to the difference in the training of the two sexes. ” http:// psychclassics. yorku. ca/Stroop).

For instance the reaction time of females and males is due to the difference in the training. ” Some indication was found that the sex difference in naming colors is due to the difference in the training of the two sexes. ” (Para. 51). What causes the reaction time difference in males and females. ” Practice was found either to increase or to decrease the variability of the group depending upon the nature of the material used. ” http://psychclassics. yorku. ca/Stroop/.

For example practice can speed up reaction time in the stroop effect. ” Practice was found either to increase or to decrease the variability of the group depending upon the nature of the material used. ” (Para. 50). The data on females and males in the stroop effect is very important and key to the experiment. To summarise all of my research, all the websites that I have seen, all of them seem to have different ways that they can test the stroop effect experiment. There is many different ways to test the stroop effect. For males and females, the stroop effect can be different based on their perception of colors and their reaction times.

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