StudyBoss » Canada » Should Quebec (or other provinces) Separate From Canada In Order To Best Protect Its Constitutional Rights?

Should Quebec (or other provinces) Separate From Canada In Order To Best Protect Its Constitutional Rights?

In my opinion, all provinces in Canada, including Quebec should not separate. Quebec has been one of the provinces of Canada for a long period of time. Most people in the world view that it is one of the component in Canada. French-Canadian and English-Canadian seem to live together peacefully without conflict, even many people with different cultures and languages come to Canada in recent years. I thick Quebec has no reason to become independence from a multicultural nation.

Some people who agree Quebec to separate state that separation can protect heir French culture and language. I think it is an unacceptable reason in a multicultural nation. Multicultualism is a special identity of Canada. It allows people to maintain their own culture. If Canada does not have multiculturalism, there will be no Chinatown in most big cities in Canada. So it is not necessary to separate in order to protect French culture and language. Furthermore if French-Canadian wants to avoid any influence from other culture, France is the greatest place for them.

Moreover, the Canada government will lose money if Quebec separates by ealing with the separation affairs, like to help people in Quebec back to Canada who do not want to separate. Separation also leads to the decreasing of trade in Canada, and even the whole world. Quebec is a big trade market in Canada. People will lose this big market if Quebec is no longer a province of Canada. This will not only harmful to Canada, but also the separated Quebec. Quebec separation is also a morality problem. In fact, it is part of Canada.

People in a nation are like brothers and sisters, they should help and protect ach other. If Quebec separates, it will act like one of the family members leave the family and no longer maintains his last name. Nobody wishes to have this happens in his family. Beside, identity of a nation is very important. It makes difference between country and country. People in the world know that Canada is mainly formed by French-Canadian and English-Canadian, and it has bilingual and muiltcultural culture. Most French-Canadian lives in Quebec.

If Canada loses Quebec, the French-Canadian culture will surly be lost. If there is no French-Canadian culture, then the identity of bilingual will no longer need. Multiculturalism will no longer support by the French culture. Canada will hurt a lot because it loses one of the most special identities. Canada, including Quebec belong to every Canadian, not only the Quebecers. Every Canadian should have the right to determine Quebec should leave or stay. It is normal in a democratic country and government should respect to what the citizens say.

In Canada, only 22% of people agree that Quebec should separate, s well as 27% in Alberta. By these percentages, we can see that most people disagree Quebec to separate. Moreover, 80% people in Alberta oppose letting a separate Quebec use the Canadian money dollar, and 69% against letting Quebecers commute from their homes to a job in a Canadian province. Overall, Canadian should help to create and improve its society. If we treat people with different cultures kindly and friendly, Quebec may won’t have the idea to separate. Beside, separation will hurt the national unity.

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