StudyBoss » Race and Ethnicity » Just Walk on By: A Black Man Ponders His Power to Alter Public Space

Just Walk on By: A Black Man Ponders His Power to Alter Public Space

Is racial stereotyping, or racial profiling a bad thing? “I began to take precautions to make myself less threatening. ” It is bad when, based on your race, you have to change your life style. Can you blame the individual that causes a black man to change his lifestyle? No. Who amongst us can say they would not be cautious of any man, especially a black man, when walking in the city at night. We would be cautious of black men because of valid national statistics on crime rate. Black men commit more crimes than white men and it has nothing to do with genetics.

This is an issue of nature vs. nurture. In this instance it is how the man’s environment affects him. Many African Americans live in the inner city. Many African Americans are in the lower income bracket. The environment of a poverty stricken inner city home is not as nurturing as a wealthy suburban home. It is a matter of fact why people are cautious and they should not be blamed for it.

“We as men are not suppose to give an inch of our lane on the highway; we are to seize the fighter’s edge in work and in play and even in ove; we are to be aliment in the face of hostile forces. His description of what men should be is not what I think of when I think of a modern day man. The modern day man submits to many forces. Some would say we are a generation of men raised by women, to be sensitive. Homosexuality is ubiquitously now because of the lack of masculinity in our culture; masculinity as been too often correlated to male chauvinism and squashed out of our culture.

Men can’t feel good about being men any more. Many oung men confuse what it means to be a man with stubborn toughness. As a boy, I saw countless tough guys locked away; I have since buried several, too. ” The judiciary system on a whole has little tolerance for crimes committed by inner city blacks. Some people can’t help the tint of there eyes on the world. It is wrong, but they should not be judged for it. Would not a rational person be scared if they saw a man of Arabian descent running through the airport yelling in his native language? It is wrong, but psychologically unavoidable.

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