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Ethical Issues In Health Care Essay

Healthcare is highly sensitive and influenced by the established principles of a strict code of conduct. The established principles contribute significantly in the mode of operations and service delivery. Also, healthcare is associated with a wide range of tasks as well as decision-making procedures that are affiliated to the provided protocols. The US health care sector adopted principles that enable execution of tasks safeguards the interests the patients’ through provision of top quality services.

Notably, the healthcare sector is associated with both expensive research and experiments that are geared towards improving the service delivery. However, the research and experiment are faced with ethical issues or dilemmas that can infringe with the established code of conduct (Kimmel, 2009). From this perspective, ethical principles established in US health care contribute significantly in resolving ethical dilemmas that may arise. Considering U. S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), it is associated with ethical principles that enable us to cope with ethical dilemmas during experimentation and research.

The research aims at comprehensively discussing ethical practices adopted by the HHS during experimentation and research. Upholding autonomy HHS is mandated in offering quality health care services and establishing unified approach towards overcoming health challenges. In addition, the HHS contributes significantly in restructuring the healthcare sector to reflect on the prevailing conditions as well as a health issue. This is associated with extensive research and experiment that can culminate to ethical issues and dilemmas.

In this case, the ethical principles are established to enable HHS cope with ethical dilemmas through the provision of systematic resolving approach (Mackenzie& Calvin, 2010). The HHS is renowned for its capacity to uphold autonomy is ensuring decisions that are made are not only independent but also reflect on the actual platform. The department has established ethical prices that ensure results of either experiment or research reflects on the autonomous from the participants to making a rationale decision regarding entire the process.

Therefore, in case of a dilemma independent decisions are made to facilitate rational choices. Beneficence The significance of health care in inclined to offering quality services that reflects on medical innovations and interests of the patients. Improving the welfare on the patient is the ultimate goals of HHS and establishing a guiding principle in the provision of the services. In the research and experiment endeavour inclined to health sector establishing a balance between the beneficial aspect and cost is critical.

On this ground, HHS established a practice that ensures researches and experiments are inclined towards benefiting patients rather than a source of funds. From this perspective, the interest of the patient is safeguarded and infringing the right is eliminated by the adopted principles (Lo, 2013). The notion of conflict that can culminate to the ethical dilemma is resolved through the adopted practices. Non-Maleficence principle The sensitivity associated with healthcare sector enhances risk in service delivery as well as undertaking both research and experiments.

The sectors call for coordinated service delivery that reflects on the minimized harm in relation to the offered treatment. Notably, research and experiments in the health sector are associated with offering solution health issues as well as improving on service delivery. The HHS is critical on the research and experiment endeavour and established a framework that safeguards on the fundamental objective. According to the framework, the benefits of the research or experiment should precede that risks or negative implications (Zsolnai, 2011).

Therefore, research and experiments are only performed on projects that highlight high beneficial aspect that the corresponding negative implications. This establishes an apt platform towards undertaking the research or experiment aimed at transforming the health sector. However, only viable research and experiments that are viable are undertaken. Justice Research and experiment involve a wide range of stakeholders that contribute significantly in accomplishing the laid down objectives within a stipulated timeframe.

In addition, the process of retail is associated with integrating various sources of information towards making rationale decision. On the other hand, experiments are inclined towards a comprehensive investigation on the behaviour of variables a practical context (Gill, 2009). Inability to establish a justifiable approach that reflects on fairness can culminate to ethical dilemmas. However, HHS established a unified approach that aids on resolving ethical issues that can emanate from ethical dilemmas.

In addition, the established frameworks within HHS contribute significantly in eliminating the frequency of ethical dilemmas during research or experiment process. Justice in the research or experiment is critical in the distribution of risk, associated cost and beneficial aspect of the entire process. The HHS developed the framework that enables the decision making process to either perform a research or abandon the process in case it is not justifiable.

In conclusion, the health sector is associated with established ethical practices that contribute significantly operating within ethical standards. The standards established play an instrumental role in avoiding ethical dilemmas. In addition, an apt platform for resolving the ethical dilemmas is provided through the principles. Research and experiments are critical not only to HHS but also the entire health sector across the globe, however, unified approach that safeguards the interests of the stakeholder and overcome ethical dilemma is critical.

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