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Essay about Explain The Ten Acts That Lead To The Revolutionary War

Road to the Revolution thRichelle BaumanParagraph #1 Introduction A huge “bang” overcasted the sky, war was coming and we all knew it. It’s really amazing to think about how all of the ten acts influenced America’s to start the Revolutionary War. The ten acts that lead to the the Revolutionary War are Navigation Act, French and Indian War, Pontiac’s Rebellion, Proclamation, The Sugar Act, The Stamp Act, Declaratory Act, The Townshend Act, The Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, and Intolerable Act. All these acts, wars, and rebellions started with The Navigation Act.

Paragraph #2 Navigation Acts of 1660 Was the navigation act really about navigation? The Navigation Act was an act of parliament intended to promote the self sufficiency of the British Empire by limiting colonial trade to England and decreasing dependence on foreign imported goods. The Navigation Act of 1651, aimed primarily at the Dutch, required all trade between England and the colonies to be carried in English or colonial velle’s resulting in the Anglo-Dutch war in 1652. This act made it to where only products produced by the mother country were given to England or other colonies.

Some of the items produced by mother country was tobacco, cotton, and sugar. Also imported goods must be purchased from England or pay taxes in British ports if purchased from a foreign nation. Many colonists ignored these laws and smuggling was prominent. British responded by passing the Sugar Act. Paragraph #3 French and Indian War The French and Indian war inspired “Yankee Doodle”. The French and Indian war in other words, Seven years war. This was was the bloodiest American war in 18th century. The was was the product of an imperial struggle. A clash between between French and English over colonial territory and wealth.

Tensions between the British and French in America had been rising for some time, as each side wanted to increase its land. It all began in November 1753, when young Virginian major George Washington and a number of men headed out into the Ohio region with the mission to deliver a message to a French captain demanding that the french troops withdraw from the territory. The demand was rejected. In May Washington troops fought with local french forces, which ended in Washington having to surrender the for he had managed to build just one month later.

The incident set off a string of small battles. The tide turned for the British in 1758, as they began to make peace important Indian allies and, under the direction of ford william pift. By 1760, the British controlled all of the North American frontier. The Treaty of Paris, which also ended the Seven Years War. Under the treaty France was forced to surrender all of their American possessions to British and the Spanish. Paragraph #4 Pontiac’s Rebellion and Proclamation of 1763 Did you know that there’s a Native American chief named Pontiac?

The war began in May 1763 when Pontiac and 300 followers attempted to take for Detroit, his plan foiled. Pontiac laid siege to the fort, and was eventually loned by more than 900 warriors fro m half a dozen tribes. In July 1763 Pontiac defeated the British but he was unable to capture the fort. The British were running out of resources so they had to surrender by signing the proclamation of 1763. Many Colonist didn’t follow the orders of the king. The colonist felt they needed more land to expand. England became furious with this. Paragraph #5 The Sugar ActDid the Sugar Act really have something to do with sugar?

The Government of Great Britain needed money to pay off the cost of the Seven Years war. They believed that the colonists should help pay this cost since much of the fight was done to defend them. SO Parliament passed the Sugar Act which was a tax on sugar, wine, and molasses. This fax almost stopped the rum trade from New England, and The New England colonies protested. They feared Britain might be moving towards seizing power from colonial government, such as the right to tax. They wanted the American colonies free to govern themselves as they had been doing for many years.

British taxed the colonist and the colonists reacted with writing protests. The next act is The Stamp Act. Paragraph #6 The Stamp Act of 1765 The Stamp Act was passed by the British Parliament March 22, 1765. The new tax was for all American colonists and required them to pay a tax on every piece of paper they used. They also placed a tax on legal documents, licenses, and newspapers. Also playing cards were taxed to. The British placed the act on the colonist. The colonists sent a series of resolutions stating the stamp act violated the rights of colonist.

The Stamp Act repealed by parliament; 1766. The next act was The Declaratory Act. Paragraph #7 Declaratory Act: 1766The Declaratory Act was passed by the British parliament’s authority to pass laws that were binding on the colonists at any point and in all cases. Colonist started to feel that they were losing control over the colonies. They feel like the British believes they are not capable of making laws and hearings. Colonist will boycott these taxes. The next act is The Townshend ActParagraph #8 The Townshend Act of 1767What was the Townshend Act? Do You know?

The Townshend Act was originated by Charles Townshend and passed by the English Parliament shortly after repeal of The Stamp Act. It was designed to get revenue from the colonists in America by putting duties on imports of glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea. Samuel Adams and others, protested against the taxes. The Boston merchants began boycotting English goods. The Massachusetts assembly was dissolved for sending circular letters to other colonies explaining the common situation and British troops sent to enforce these laws and keep peace were involved in an unpleasant incident, also know as the Boston Massacre.

Paragraph #9 The Boston Massacre: 1770“Boom” one shot fired into the crowd striking two people. A group of British soldiers came to support a sentry who was being pressed by the heckling, snowballing crowd, let loose a volley of shots. Three people died right then and two others died later of their wounds. The office in charge Thomas Preston. He was arrested for manslaughter, along with eight of his men. Later all were found not guilty John Adams. The Boston Massacre is remembered as a key event in helping to galvanize the colonial public to the patriot cause.

The next act would be the Boston Tea Party. Paragraph #10 The Boston Tea Party: 1773″Hurry hurry put on your costumes” we shall sink ever last bit of tea. On December 16, 1773, Samuel Adams the sons of liberty boarded three ships in the Boston Harbor and threw 342 chests of tea overboard. What caused this? The British passed the tea act which made British tea cheaper then colonial tea. The colonists are supposed to buy it from the British East India company tea. Colonists protested and it ended in 342 chests of tea dumped into the Boston Harbor.

This also caused the Boston Harbor to close which caused the Intolerable act. Paragraph #11 Intolerable Act :1774What they closed a whole harbor? They closed the Boston Harbor until the tea is paid for British troops are quartered, massachusetts charter is cancelled. Royal officials accused of crimes will be sent back to Bration to stand trial. Colonists resentment toward Britain builds. Colonists Stars to consider their options. Maybe even separating from Great Britain. Yet they are still hoping to work out their differences. All these acts led to the America’s trying to govern themselves.

Paragraph #12 Conclusion What was the point for these act, rebellions, and wars. I think they made them to resolve their issues. All the topics i talked about Navigation Act, French and Indian war, Pontiac’s Rebellion and Proclamation of 1763, The Sugar Act, the Boston Massacre, The Boston Tea Party, and The Intolerable Act. Every time they solved one problem another one came along. The world was to crazy during this time. Who just starts a war out of nowhere. My favorite topic i discussed was the Boston Massacre. I believed what the British soldiers did was right.

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