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David Suzuki: Why I Chosen To Be My Hero Essay

The amazing person I’ve chosen to be my hero is David Suzki. Heroes can come in all shapes and sizes but, what truly does make a hero? It’s an easy, but difficult question to answer. To me a hero is someone who helps others. A hero doesn’t need to be a god, superhero, president or belong to mythological tales to reach the criteria of a “hero”“. Anyone who helps someone else is a hero. It’s beyond simple. Just by doing that one thing, that person is a hero. I’ve chosen this amazing human who’s known as “David Suzuki” to be my hero.

I do not doubt my decision one bit either, David is amazing. There’s 3 large reasons hy I’ve chosen him to be my hero! : He’s been an amazing role model, has helped a myriad of animals and last of all has been helping us understand concepts and has helped humanity in major ways. David Suzuki is an outstanding role model. Davidwas born on March 24th, 2016. At a very young age, David had faced many hardships, which even make me question how he turned out to be the person he is.

As a child, he was moved out from his home, his family’s business was sold soon after and he was split apart from his siblings and had his father sent to a labor camp, all this because of the horrible interment: The disease given rom the injections of the World War. David’s truly inspiring to me, as he’s gone through quite a rough childhood, then he’s moved on to such high places and has made such a difference. David Suzuki has also greatly affected our environment, implemented different views into many young people’s minds and has thus made my generation’s bitter future, just a little sweeter.

Soon after this imprisonment, David soon went on to graduate at Amherst College, soon after moving on to taking different jobs and activities in different fields. He is truly inspiring. He makes me aspire to become a better person. David ad such a rough beginning, though he’s managed to shape it so well and highly, I just get inspired each and every time that i think someone who can have such a rough beginning could work so hard to achieve such high standards. He makes many aspire to be better along with strive to reach the top, like he did, with his amazing story, speeches, quotes and similar things.

David has changed many people and influenced people in great ways! He is not a normal role model. He’s as fiery as the sun with his speeches and as bright as the sky. David Suzuki is a remarkable and extraordinary role model and hero! David’s helped multiple animals! He is not just a hero to humankind, but to animals as well! David is sending his sharp knowledge across the globe, releasing unknown and crucial information to many. Though this is not making a full stop to habitat loss and other similar issues, causing animals to face extinction, it sure is making a difference though.

Not only that but David is also constantly working around the clock to get his views and ideas all across. This advocate has made a large change. He has influenced so many so positively that people themselves have now even begun to take matters in their own hands, even some companies and small organizations have rabbed and taken David’s motives as their own. David himself has even created an organization to help in the saving of animals and other similar enivormental issues, named “David Suzuki Foundation”.

David has actually gone beyond and has worked on saving multiple creatures with this one organization:Salmon, butterflies, polar bears, etc. David has spread his optimistic rays of knowledge and morals across the globe at the speed of light. He is now one of the largest, if not the largest stars in the Scientific Community and Enviromentalist World. These teachings apply to all of us in many different ways and we can all learn from them. Mr. Suzuki has helped multiple animals and given fruits of knowledge to so many. David Suzuki is a hero!

David Suzuki has helped humanity grasp some of our needs while also improving our concepts rapidly! He’s always been quite a large figure in the Scientific Community. David has actually created a chain of help for humanity. At first, making multiple discoveries and assisting in many studies in fields such as Biology, Genetics, helped assist the creation of the “Science Policy” (a very large role in our science community today. ), served on the Science Community of Canada and much more. Though, it’s not the actual singular achievements he’s done that has helped us so much.

In my personal opinion, it’s largely also how he brings the information. David has a spark. In his speeches, he delivers powerful arrays of words, bringing fresh insight to many blinded people. He has realized and acted on a particular fact! : As one human he can only go so far. Though if he educates the public properly, as a group they will be unstoppable. Mr. Suzuki had started broadcasting, creating organizations, making educational videos, participating in lectures in Universities, etc. His words were like a bee’s sting to n ignorant listener. He taught so many and will continue to do so.

He’s left the gift behind of his passion. Even if he passes on, his colleagues, students and many others will continue to learn from and continue to teach his lessons. David even opened the eyes to some of the larger figures in a very educational and packed video he’d created somewhat recently called “The Test Tube”. This video educates people on something called “Exponential Growth”. This wasn’t much at first, though it soon became very popular. People realized what Mister Suzuki had been saying was very true yet had gone as unnoticed as a polar ear laying in the snow.

It hit people and stung deep. His words, lectures, heart and fiery speech will continue to live on in the hearts of many. It is our jobs now to carry the torch with Mr. Suzuki’s fire forth. It will be difficult but doable. Suzuki has changed the earth and many people’s hearts. His words were as strong as a lion. David is a hero to all with his good intentions and deeds! David Suzuki has had a rough childhood, continued to study, graduate and participate in various organizations, events and such, though he’s left something invaluable for all of us. Mr. Suzuki left us a treasure:knowledge!

Some may continue to ignore words in face of greed, however, i personally have learned and am sure many others have too, of Mr. Suzuki’s amazing actions. David could give fiery speeches and teach lessons no one else would. Though his actions shun like the sun through our unnoticably darkened world. He will continue to purge these things from humanity, as he has been, even when he does leave us, we will continue to learn and move on. The reason why is because we had a hero like David Suzuki to be our glasses. David taught us blind folk. David Suzuki is a Canadian hero. He is my hero. May 25th, 2016 Daniel Khesali

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