StudyBoss » Comunist China And Civil Rights Violations

Comunist China And Civil Rights Violations

China is famous throughout history for both Tieneman square, and capitol punishment . These are each examples of human rights violations. Communist China’s one child policy Is yet another example. China’s one child policy was stared in 1979 as an attempt to solve their overpopulation problem. The policy states that every couple in China is allowed only one child. In order for a couple to have a child they must first have a birth coupon issued by the government before giving birth to the child. ““Birth Quotas” are determined in order to have surveillance of the people who have all ready had their single child allowed to them born.

The women of China must deal with their menstrual cycle being monitored publicly to stop the possibility of having a second child. They also must face pelvic examinations if they are even suspected of being impregnated. Any unauthoized pregnancies are terminated by an aboution regardless of the pregnancies progression. Graphically, The baby’s head is crushed and then pulled out of the woman, just to name one of the many grusome abortion practices, killing the baby, and torturing the woman. The Chinese law has horrible effect’s on the country’s major population.

Many Infant’s are abandoned, or brutally killed at home to cut down upon expenses and fines issued by the government. In 1993 ultrasound machines were in mas importation to China, however in 1993 the use of these machines to select the sex of a child banned, however it has proven hard to enforce this law. The effect of these machines is staggering ratios of 3 males to every 1 female. If this trend was continued It’s effect in China would be crippling. The population would rise very high, and then in a matter of years drop of drastically low.

There would be 70 million single men and less than 20 million women. In 1983 China hit it’s all time high, (or low morally) Statistics show that more forced abortions, forced sterilizations, and IUD insertions were plagued upon the Chinese than at any other time ever. IUD insertions are large rings that are surgically implanted in a woman, making it impossible for life to grow in side of her. IUD insertions are not only very painful, but also leave women injured for months afterwards. Another sickening statistic is that over half a billion birth surgeries have been executed 1971 and 1990.

Resistance to the governments cruel system is nearly impossible. Failure to comply China’s law is considered a major threat. If a woman resists an abortion, she is harassed and sometime either held or visited repeatedly by a group the government has set up so innocently called Family Planing. In some extreme circumstances night raids are made, where women are captured who try to hide or escape the birth planning program. Other times the government issues extreme fines upon families with illegal births. Some families are even forced into hiding because they cannot afford these penalties.

These fines can easily exceed the entire families income. If a family is somehow fortunate enough to have a second child, it’s life is worth very little. Unauthorized children are not able to receive medical benefits, grain rations, or even an education. A responsibility system was put into place in 1961 in order to manage all family planning targets. Each leader of each Chinese province is responsible for keeping the population in at a certain level. If he fails to keep this level he is the punished. Before the one child policy it would appear China’s views were the complete opposite.

The government would encourage it’s families to have multiple children. The government actually had a low population for what it wanted. In some areas government officials are willing to take bribes to allows families with multiple children. In other places locals are sold to the one child policy with larger houses and even additional salaries for a promise of having only one child. Often families would rather have male children instead of a females. When families who gave their word to only having one child have females, they often secretly send them to orphanage, or commit an act called infanticide.

This is there the parents leave the baby on a hill overnight, and comeback the next day to see that it is dead. Today, China’s government has agreed to lighten up on the one child policy. In actuality the one child policy while in effect did exactly what it was designed to do. All though It has changed many aspects of Chinese life and the rate of males in the country is noticeably larger the population is now safe according to the Chinese government. While China agrees to loosen up on it’s policy it says it is still going to keep in play the birth planning program.

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