StudyBoss » Agriculture » Beef Cows: The Importance Of Deforestation Essay

Beef Cows: The Importance Of Deforestation Essay

There are many misconceptions regarding deforestation and pollution. Beef cattle are often the last that comes to your mind. Water/food – beef cows use 1000 gallons of water are used to make 1 gallon of milk. 2500 gallons of water are used to produce 1 LB of beef. 77 gallons of water are needed to produce lb of eggs. almost 900 gallons of water are needed to produce 1 lb of cheese. World wide cows drink 45 billion gallons of water per day. Animal agriculture consumes 34-76 trillion gallons of water annually.

At 50 degrees a cow many consume 5-7 gallons of water if it was 95 degrees they would drink up to 24 gallons of water. an average quality hay is 24 pounds per head and the hay that they are consuming is 88% dry matter. 1,200 pound COws consume 27 pounds per head per day on an as-fed basis. growing feed crops for livestock consumes 46% of water in the US grass fed is more demanding on the land than grain feed it has more impact on the environment because it takes eight more months for it to be ready to be slaughtered that’s more waste and water.

It only takes 15 months for grain and 22 month for grass because with grain they get fat faster. the government kills other animals for more land. (wild horses are caught elephants were killed. ) cattle alone eat 45 billions gallons of water a day. 135 billions lbs of food. 100 pounds of grain to feed to feed 1 lb of duck meat. land they take up- 136 million rainforest acres are cleared for animal agriculture 70% of deforestation is caused by cattle ranching 2-5 acres are used per cow As of january 1 2015 there are 29. 7 million beef cows.

Livestock covers 45% of the earth’s total land. it takes 4500 acres to produce 80,000 pounds of meat the average american eats 209 pounds of meat per year. if that was all grass fed beef only 382 people could eat that meat. 11. 7 acres per person times 314 mil acres in usa which adds up to 3. 7 billion acres to raise enough grass for that year and this is only grass fed beef. we would need 3. 9 billion acres unfortunately there are only 1. 9 billion acres in the us it would take 3 times the amount. so grass fed beef is not sustainable. here is no way to we could use grass feed all the time. We just don’t have enough land to use. even if we did we would still be using it all up. waste-cows produce 150 billion gallons of methane per day. In the us livestock produce 116,000 LBS of waste per second. Animals produce enough waste to cover SF, NYC,and tokyo methane(a colorless, odorless flammable gas) is 25-100 more destructive than co2 on a 20 year time frame. animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones,water pollution and habitat destruction.

Animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution and habitat destruction. Gases- livestock is responsible for up to 18% of greenhouse gases that cause global warming. energy related emissions are expected to increase by 20% by 2040. Livestock is responsible for 65% of all human related emission of nitrous oxide-a greenhouse gas with 292 times the global warming potential. Livestock operations on on land have created more than 500 nitrogen flooded dead zones around the world in our oceans nd have created more than 500 nitrogen flooded dead zones around the world in our oceans.

Both sides- when I watched the cowspiracy movie one man (sierra club owner about environment and wildlife protection. Michael brune ) thought that cars were the problem and fossil fuels but the guy (Kip andersen) doing the research asked him what about animal agriculture and Michael brune said yeah what about it. When he is the ceo of a environmental organization place. What you can do-to feed one person a year on a vegan diet it only takes 7 of an acres. vegetarian diet take 3 times as much land which is 3/16 but to eat the way we do with meat is 18 times more land. this is because you can produce 37,000 lb of vegetables on 1 and a half acres. and only 375 lbs of meat on that same amount of land. If you switched to a complete vegan diet you could save 1100 gallons of water, 45lbs of grain, 30 sq. ft of forest, ten pounds of co2 and 1 animals life per day and that’s just per day. you could switch to a vegan.

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