
Inversion is generally understood to be the reversal of a thing, which is why the term, in mathematics and also in numerous natural sciences, means certain inversions and is used in language as a rhetorical stylistic means. Inversion here means the conversion of the usual and regular word sequence of a sentence. In particular, the change of subject and predicate is meant. The inversion serves to emphasize a word and to reinforce what has been said. Since in German, however, there is no strict order of the sentence members, and the wording depends on the weight of the individual parts of the speech, it is difficult to recognize inversion and dispute whether it can exist in German at all. In most cases, this is about abnormalities (see Anastrophe).

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An intrigue, also an intrigue or cabal (cf Kabale und Liebe), is a strategy which is planned by a person or group of persons to harm others or to stir them up against each other. The intrigue is conceived behind the backs of those affected and serves the achievement of a (personal) purpose, such as the emotional gratification or the attainment of an advantage. In drama (cf. literary genres) intrigue plays a central role. In tragedy the success of the intrigue leads to the destruction of the hero, the discovery of intrigue in the comedy producing the happy ending and exposing the intriguer. The intrigue is devised by the antagonist and is intended to overthrow the protagonist and thus arouses the dramatic conflict. One example is the intrigue Franz Moor from Friedrich Schiller’s Die Räuber.

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As punctuation, the setting of punctuation marks or word signs is used to make the syntactic, substantive and morphological structure of a text clear. Originally the punctuation marks were set to signal speech pauses in the lecture or a written product. In Latin literature, there were low, medium and high points, which showed short, medium-length breaks and the end of the sentence. Since the Middle Ages the comma, Virgel and semicolon are occupied.

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Intermezzo is an interlude in drama or opera. The term also includes a short orchestral or piano piece. Sometimes the term is expanded and then means any interlude in an artistic medium to fill a break or create a transition. In music it is also referred to as an interludium and in the literature often as an interlude, also an intermediate medium. In terms of dealing there is an incident.

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A form of the gloss is called interlinearglosses. The gloss is a journalistic text, a Spanish poem, and the explanation of an incomprehensible term. Such an explanation was written either as a marginal note beside the respective text (marginal gloss), as a congruence in the work itself or as an interlinear gap between the lines, which is very conducive to the reading flow in the case of brief explanations.

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As an interjection, also a sensual word or exclamation word, one of the ten word types is called in German. The interjections are invariable and have no proper meaning, but they express a sense, a willingness or the opinion of the speaker or stand for a signal of contact or avoidance, but can also stand for other demands. Often, what is actually meant depends on the emphasis on the interjection. So the exclamation can be hey! as a call for omission, a contact request (hey?) or even a consolation. Overview: The most important overview
In media res is a phrase of Latin origin. It goes back to the poet Horace and can be translated into the middle of things. In a transcendent sense, the phrase means that a thing is being addressed quickly.
Horace, in his Ars poetica, compared the terms in media res and abovo. The first-named sequence of words describes a narrative that comes directly to the point, the second-named narrative, that is characterized by consistent descriptions.

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In medias res

In medias res, also medias in res, is a phrase from the Latin and can be translated into the words in the middle of things. The word sequence comes from the so-called Piusenbrief, also Ars poetica, from Horaz, a great Roman poet. In the literary sciences, a narrative technique is described, in which the narrator comes directly to the core of the action.

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As an incarnate, also carnation, meat tone, meat color, more rarely also skin color, in the art is called the skin color of man. The incarnate is, therefore, the hues used by an artist to imitate the naked body parts of a human being, the skin, in a picture. In the different epochs of art history, different shades have dominated, although the incarnate is usually mixed with red tones and white, in addition often green, blue, ocher as well as Siena are used. Good incarnate is characterized by the fact that the individual body parts have their own color (face, hands, knees etc.).

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As incantation, summoning or calling is called by means of incantation formulas, which are mostly magical. However, they were not considered a form of magic in Roman antiquity. There were, for example, certain ancient laws which prohibited the use of black magic in Rome, which is why it was forbidden, and consequently punished, to use spells to curse the harvest. Such spells were referred to as mala carmina (lat .: bad sayings / songs / poems). In contrast, there was also “good” Carmina, which includes the incantations, which were regarded as healing as well as healing.

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The first mysteries are designated as Initia. In the ancient world strictly closed societies with religious purposes were called mystery. Regarding the literature, such initia are the starting words of medieval manuscripts or even initial letters of these texts. In most cases, the first words of the first and second pages of a work are meant, whereby medieval writings can be identified. Thus the Initia – as well as Incipit and Explicit – serve instead of a title for the identification of ancient, medieval or early-modern texts, which are without title or with different, often not authentic titles. The first word (incipit), the ending formula (Explicit) or the first words and the first-day letters (Initia) are unique, especially in the case of texts whose authors are not clear (see Adespota) and which have been published under different titles which text is meant.

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Inhaltsangabe schreiben

Writing a content is, in principle, not a problem, but it is often difficult to concentrate on the essence of a text and to reproduce the most important features in the subsequent summary. However, this is important when writing a content specification, which is why we would like to explain the essential aspects of this approach.

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An impromptu is a smaller piece of music that is improvised or at least played without a longer preparation and is usually performed on the piano. The term is also used for other Stegreif works, such as a (play) game or a speech. Musical impromptus were particularly characteristic of the music of the Romantic period, with the dissolution of classical forms as well as the expansion and transgression of the traditional harmony being superficial. Especially the Impromptus of the composer Franz Schubert are still very popular today. Known Impromptus can be found also with Robert Schumann, Alexander Scriabin or Frédéric Chopin.

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Imprimatur is generally referred to as a printing license. Nowadays, the term means the final printing permission from the author or publisher after the last correction. This is given after the proof reading of the printing flags. Originally, however, the imprimatur meant the permission of censorship, as in the era of the Vormarz, to put a work under pressure (see Demagogy). Such an imprimatur could be a stamp or the like with which the official censor marked a work. The counterpart is the formula Damnatur, which forbade the printing of a book. Moreover, as an imprimatur, the press release for writings, which in the widest sense deals with the Catholic doctrine, is designated. Until the Second Vatican Council (11.10.1962 – 8.12.1965), this was necessary for all the essays written by teachers of Catholic theology, religious and priests and was given by the bishop. In the course of the doctorate, the imprimatur means the release for the publication of a dissertation, which is given when the deficiencies of the work have been eradicated.

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Impressionism refers to an epoch of the history of art, which is to be found in the second half of the nineteenth century and was mainly used for visual art, but applied to literature in France in 1879. Music, photography and film can also be used to make Impressionistic impacts. Pictures, which are regarded as impressionistic, show above all the nature and impressions of life in the big city. Revolutionary is the reproduction of momentary shadow and light effects, the renouncement of black, which brightened the works and the immediacy of the momentary view and the apparent randomness of the picture excerpt, whereby the technique of painting reminds one another of juxtaposed strokes. Through this technique it often takes a distance to the Impressionist work to be able to grasp it completely. The world should be shown in Impressionism as it was also for the viewer. The artists broke away from the pictorial pictorial function and showed what was happening at the moment.

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Ikosalogie (Zwanzigteiler)

An iconography, also a twentieth part, is an artistic work consisting of twenty parts. In the case of iconography, this can be a cinematic, literary or even musical piece, although there are only a few examples. It is essential for multi-parters of this kind that they do belong together, but generally function independently. This means that the action of the individual parts is mostly self-contained and is not interrupted abruptly by strong cliffhangers.

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Idyllic, up to the eighteenth century also Idyll, is an epic, sometimes also dramatic and rarely dialogical poetical form, which mostly depicts in verses or prose the sensitive, peacefully-modest, paradise and rural life and thereby a harmless, peaceful, secure and harmonious world. Such idyls are usually written in everyday language and either come as a separate work – especially as Kleinepik or in closed individual scenes – or are embedded in a larger work. The idyll is a common form of pastoral poetry and is popular in the sensibility as well as in the Biedermeier (see Literaturepochen).

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Identischer Reim

A rhyme style is designated as the identical rhyme. For an identical rhyme the same word is rhymed. Thus, the respective rhyming words are not only the same, but also orthographically identical, since they are written in the same way. This rhyme form is very widespread in oriental poetry, whereas in German it is regarded as frowned upon and mistaken. An exception here is the intentional repetition of the word for the purpose of amplification.

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The form of lyric poetry, which in the first instance contains intellectual experiences, is called the thought-lyricism, also the idea of lyricism and philosophical lyricism. It is not the immediate experience (cf. Erlebnislyrik) or, as in the ballad, the narrative in the foreground, but philosophical, religious and generally intellectual-ideological content. The idea is not conveyed through a symbol, but rather as an inner experience. The lyrical ego therefore tries to attain clarity through thoughts or facts, to itself, or even to the external world. The different sides of the respective object are usually shown, and they are oscillated between intuition and reflection. At the same time, the idea of love is separated from the doctrinal and purposive poetry, but can be indirectly didactic or doctrinal through the depicted.

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A narrator encounters us in epic texts. He is the voice or the speaker of the work. The narrator can take different positions or perspectives, from which he allows us to take a look at the world of figures of history: the narrative perspective. We distinguish between four narrative perspectives: the auctorial, the personal, the neutral and the narrator. To the latter perspective, the I-narrator, it is now to go.

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A rhetorical stylistic device, which is used in all literary genres, is designated as hysterone proterone. The hysterone proteron reverses the logical or temporal sequence of an event. Accordingly, a process which occurs later in time is exchanged before the former, or the cause and effect are exchanged. The stylistic means of anachronism is related.

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The subordination in the sentence classification is called hypotaxes. This means that the term hypotaxes describes the subordinate order of ancillary sentences under main records. Through the use of the stylistic means very complex thoughts can be illustrated and topics can be presented in detail. The counterpart to the hypotaxis is the Parataxe.

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As Hyporchem is a cheerfully moved cheering or dancing member of the Greek Chorlyrik. At first, the hyporchism was characterized above all by Paneonic inscriptions, consisting of a long and three short transitions, and later the Dactylos trochies, which determined it (see Daktylus, Trochaeus). The Hyporchem was sung to the Kithara, a string instrument, and later also to the flute or both instruments.

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Die Hyperbel ist ein Stilmittel, das uns in allen literarischen Gattungen begegnet. Die Stilfigur beschreibt dabei eine starke Übertreibung, um eine Gefühlsintensität maximal und gesteigert wiederzugeben. Diese Übertreibung kann mitunter einen Begriff bis über die Glaubwürdigkeit hinaus verfremden und sogar einen komischen Effekt haben.

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The Hyperbaton is a stylistic device. The Hyperbaton describes the conversion of a sentence by separating two terms that are syntactically connected. This separation takes place by inserting additional words or rebuilding the sentence structure. The reworked sentence then deviates strongly from the typical sentence structure and sometimes appears bumpy or untrustworthy.

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As a hymn was originally a solemn praise or prize song, mostly heroes and gods were honored or nature was sung. From these praises developed the poem form of the anthem. This type of poem has no fixed form, which is why it is mostly translated into free verse. The hymn is a festive prize, often referring to a god. However, there are examples of localities, people, circumstances, or feelings. Stylistically, the anthem therefore resembles the Ode. In the course of the apotheosis of a person (deification of mortals) hymns are often used. The anthem, therefore, according to today’s understanding, is always directed towards something higher and characterized by a subjective enthusiasm of the speaker. Hymn is also a shorthand for the national and country anthem.

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The chicken language is a secret language or a spoken language. Playing languages are variations of an existing language, so they can be learned very easily, but they are often incomprehensible with a practiced speaker and often sound like gibberish for outsiders. The chicken language is based on the exchange of the vowels (a, e, i, o, u) of a word by a fixed abbreviation, the consonants remain unaffected. The language thus resembles the spoon language. (→ online translator for chicken language).

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The Homoioteleuton, also Homöoteleuton, Homoeoteleuton as well as Omoioteliton, is a rhetorical stylistic means which we meet mainly in lyricism (cf. literary genres). The Homoioteleuton means that the final syllables of successive words, sentences, or even shorter sentences are rhyming. Thus, the stylistic figure is related to the epiphyse and the internal rhyme, and is the counterpart of the alliteration (see example alliterations).

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A tribute is an event, a performance or a work that honors or honors a person. As a rule, a tribute to a corypha or an artist or his oeuvre, that is to say, the entire artistic work, applies. The homage is, therefore, itself an (artistic) work designed to honor a personality or for something that was especially inspiring for one’s own work.

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Histrione is Latin and means actor. The word originated in Etruscan and originally described a pantomimic dancer, and in the Middle Ages mainly a juggler or a performer who presented his ability in front of the audience.

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The terms histoire and discours go back to the linguist Tzvetan Todorov and comprise two levels of narrative. The point is that the narrative text consists of two levels which are closely related to one another. One describes the sequence of characters, ie the text itself. This is called discours. This text tells a story, the histoire.

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The hiatus is the collision of the final vowel of a word with the initial vowel of the following word. In addition, the succession of two vowels (a, e, i, o, u) or diphthongs (double vowels from vowels: ei, au, eu, ui) belonging to different syllables of the word is called in the word. Some poets use the hiatus as a clear means of design, which is why it can be described as stylistic means.

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The hexameter is an ancient verse of six verses, the last of which is shortened by a syllable. In principle, the hexameter consists of dactyls (elevation and two depressions), but these have been replaced by a spondeus (two elevations) in ancient verses, in order to avoid monotony. Since the six-heighted hexameter is shortened by the last syllable, the last verse is incomplete, that is, catalecally, and usually ends unstressed (→ female cadence).

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Hexalogie (Sechsteiler)

Hexalogy is a multi-part artistic work consisting of six parts. Hexalogy means a musical, cinematic, literary or dramatic play, the term sometimes also being used in other areas, and thus applied to other six-part series. It is essential for a work of this kind that the individual parts, although in substance, belong together, but generally appear independent. This means that the action of the respective parts is self-contained and thus also works alone. In addition, cliffhangers, who would interrupt the action abruptly, are rare. Usually, the term is referred to the literature – mostly prose works – or the film.

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Heptalogie (Siebenteiler)

Heptalogy, also a seven-part work, is an artistic work consisting of seven parts. The term is usually applied to literary products – mostly prose texts – or films. In principle, however, such a heptalogy may be applied to any literary, cinematic, musical work consisting of seven parts, or generally to all kinds of sieves. What is important is that the individual works of heptalogy are mostly self-sufficient, which means that their action appears to be complete and thus works alone. Furthermore, cliffhangers, which would severely interrupt the action, are rare.

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The term “hephthemimer” comes from the metric. The hephthemimer means a caesura after the seventh half-foot of a line of verse, which, especially in the measure of the hexameter, marks a very common incision. The hephthemimeres frequently occur in conjunction with a trithemimer, which means a third-half-third caesura.

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The Hendiadyoin is a rhetorical stylistic which we can sometimes find in very different text forms. Every now and then, a hagiadyoin for the word is sometimes. In a Hendiadyoin, a complex term is formed by two single words. These words are thereby connected by the conjunction and with one another. Furthermore the Hendiadyoin can replace the connection of attribute (usually adjectives) and noun by two nouns.

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A German literature of literature, which begins immediately after the end of the Second World War in 1945 and can be imitated until the beginning of the 1950s, is being described as rubble literature, also homecoming literacy and literature of the hour zero, whereby it is replaced by more demanding forms. The representatives of the rubble literature had mostly returned home from the war and tried to draw a realistic and true picture of the world of the post-war period. At the same time, the language – which in the Nazi regime was regarded as an ideologue carrier – should not be lyrically transfigured, but clearly show the reality. Authors of the rubble literature portray the experiences of the war, but also show how the present in the post-war Germany presents itself to them. The language of prose was often denigrated by the Nazi period, which led to the creation of numerous lyrical works. Popular genres are the short story, the sonnet and the satire, while the drama contained only a few pieces, which found a large audience. The literary epoch of debris literature forms the prelude to what later is called “postwar literature.” Postwar literature can be documented in 1967.

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As an uplifting impact, also high-frequency hiatus, in the verse (metric) the direct, jointless collision of two lifts (pronounced syllables) is described. The lift impact is therefore normal for non-compensated deviations. Reduction-free means that the measure only dictates how many strokes a verse must have, but not how many reductions. He is regularly present in the Pentameter, and when a masculine verse is followed by a tactless verse.

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The main sentence is a sentence which is grammatically complete and contains complete information. In most cases, the main sentence consists of the subject, the predicate, the object (see the sentence members). It is extremely easy to see the main sentence that the finite verb is almost always in the second place, and rarely in the first – namely, in the case of commands, yes / no questions, and when the subordinate sentence is in front of the main sentence. Since the main set is grammatically complete, it is not dependent on any set. This is different in the case of subsidiary clauses – secondary clauses are subordinated to the main clauses (see the sentence structure).

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The heap rhyme is a very catchy rhyme scheme based on a definite sequence of final rhymes. The hive rhyme is a rhyme scheme, which is the easiest way to recognize a pair of rhymes and cross rhymes in a poem. In rhombic rhymes the rhymes are the same within a verse, so the rhyme scheme follows the pattern aaaa (bbbb, cccc, etc.).

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As a hashtag, a word or a word chain is designated, which is preceded by a diamond symbol, ie a double cross (#). A hashtag is used to communicate within social networks, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Users of these networks can add words with the rhombus (eg #wordgroup), making them clickable for other users. Clicking on such a hashtag would then lead to an overview page, which then bundles all messages in chronological order, which were provided with ebendiesem hashtag by users. This form of indexing is carried out within a flow text, as in the sentence “My life is wonderful.” A click on the hashtag #Leben would lead to an overview page, which contains all messages that were provided with ebendiesem hashtag.

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Happy End

A happy ending is the positive, usually also happy, conclusion of any event sequence. Usually, however, a good result in dramas, films and prose is described, which is typical for trivial literature. Comedies and films are usually used for the purpose of solving conflicts, in order to initiate an effective happy ending.

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One of the most striking features in a poem is the arrangement in verses. These lines can be interrupted at very different points. Hook style is a way to make this line break. In a stanza, the sentences and shots coincide, if one speaks of a line style, they do not do that, from a hook style.

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Grimbart is the badger in the fable or in fairy tales and legends. As a result, a fabier, such as Isegrim for the wolf, masquerade for the hare, or Adebar for the stork, conceals itself behind the name. Grimbart is attributed to human character in the fable: he is thoughtful and calm. What is essential is that these characteristics do not change in the course of such a narrative: Grimbart does not develop, so it is foreseeable for the reader and listener how he will behave in principle.

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The question of Gretchen is a question which is asked directly and generally directly to the interviewee. The question of Gretchen always has a content, the price of which is unpleasant to the interviewee. Frequently, the question of gretchen is also associated with a naive questioner, which, however, does not necessarily have to be the case in today’s language usage. The term goes back to Goethe’s Faust and marks a conversation between Gretchen and Faust.

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Goldene Latinität

Golden Latin is a period of Latin literature. Originally, the term was used to describe all the Latin writings that arose until the death of the poet Ovid (17 AD). Nowadays, this time is estimated to be between 81% Until 17 AD. If this epoch is described as golden, it is meant that Latin literature had its linguistic climax, which was expressed in prose, epic, lyric, and in many elegies, as well as in historiography. The following epoch, which is, in any case, the assumption, characterized by coarser content and a lower level of speech, is called Silver Latinity. Behind this assumption is a decadence (see Fin de Siècle).

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Glossary is a list of words, including explanations, further explanations, or translations. The glossary can be presented as an addendum, ie as a supplement to a work or as a separate document. Glossaries were already created in the Middle Ages as collections to explain difficult words (archaisms, neologisms, foreign words, etc.), but in some cases they were also used as a means of reading (eg as an addition to the Bible).

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The gloss is an opinion-forming and journalistic text and is similar in construction and style to the commentary. The glosses, as well as readers’ letters, film criticism, review, book discussion, diagnosis or the expert opinion as a judicial text type. This means that certain topics are evaluated and assessed. Often news is satirical.

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The falsification of history means deliberately falsifying representation and the interpretation of historical events. As a rule, the nouns of history are used pejoratively – that is, devaluation – for a representation that is one-sided, incomplete, and therefore falsified. Sometimes the term is also used if this misrepresentation is unintentional, even if most of the intent is presumed. This term goes back to a work by the early German-German writer Johann Fischart (1546 / 1547-1591). Fischart undertook an attempt to transfer François Rabelais’s romance cycle Gargantua and Pantagruel (1532-1564) into German and published the result under the title Affentheurlich Naupengeheurliche Geschichtsklitterung (1575). Since fish species hardly adapted to the model, and also expanded or extended numerous passages, part of the title subsequently became a term for a falsified portrayal of historical events.

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