Cervantes – Don Quixote

Cervantes’ greatest work, Don Quixote, is a unique book of multiple dimensions. From the moment of its appearance it has amused readers or caused them to think, and its influence has extended in literature not only to works of secondary value but also to those which have universal importance. Don Quixote is a country gentleman, … Read more

Don Quixote: Book Report

The novel opens by briefly describing Don Quixote and his fascination with chivalric stories. With his “wits gone”, Don Quixote decides to become a knight and ream the country side righting wrong and rescuing damsels in distress. He outfits himself in some old armor and professes his love and service to Aldonsa Lorenzo whom he … Read more

Don Quixote De La Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes

Type of Work: Symbolic Spanish Novel Setting Spain; Seventeenth Century Story Overveiw Alonso Quejana was an ordinary Spanish country gentleman, except in one particular: he was addicted to books of chivalry. He spent every moment engrossed in thick, meandering tomes filled with tales of knights and squires, magicians and giants, and beautiful ladies. At last, … Read more

Don Quixote: The Misadventures of a Lunatic

In medieval times, knight-errants roamed the countryside of Europe, rescuing damsels and vanquishing evil lords and enchanters. This may sound absurd to many people in this time, but what if a person read so many books about these so-called knight-errants that he could not determine the real from that which was read? Such is the … Read more

The Fantasies of Don Quixote

Don Quixote lived in a fantasy world of chivalry. Chivalry had negative and positive effects on the lives of the people. Don Quixote emphasizes a cross-section of Spanish life, thought, and feeling at the end of chivalry. Don Quixote has been called the best novel in the world, and it cannot be compared to any … Read more