Assignment 3: Abstract Algebra Essay

The image below is the fifth roots of unity. Using these fifth roots of unity and de Moivre’s formula to verify that the fifth roots of unity form a group under complex multiplication. de Moivre’s formula is z^k=cos(2ītk/n)+isin(2tk/n), k=0,1,2,…,n-1 (Nicodemi, 2006) for the 5th roots unity of n=5. The following show the fifth roots of … Read more

Mathematicians: Making numerous contributions

A mathematician is described as someone who uses logic or theory to solve problems. Mathematicians and their craft have been making milestones in history ever since the Neanderthal man became homo – sapiens and began communicating, with the use of speech. The first period of time in the history of mathematics is known as the … Read more

Mathematics, the language of the universe

Mathematics, the language of the universe, is one of the largest fields of study in the world today. With the roots of the math tree beginning in simple mathematics such as, one digit plus one digit, and one digit minus one digit, the tree of mathematics comes together in the more complex field of algebra … Read more

Mathematical Impacts Essay

The art of mathematics is an intrinsic part of the many physical sciences which humanity strives to learn; it began as a way to explain the celestial guides, which became the science of astronomy and astrophysics. This essay will explain the use of math in astronomy, chemistry, physics, and their relation. The study of astronomy … Read more

Mathematics as it relates to Biology

Mathematics and many of its aspects are a major part of everyday life. We spend the majority of our school years studying and learning the concepts of it. Many times, the question of Why do we need to know these things? has been asked of a teacher by his or her students. The following will … Read more

Centered on Geometry (Euclid)

The ancient Greeks have contributed much to the development of the Western World as we know it today. The Greeks questioned all and yearned for the answers to many of lifes questions. Their society revolved around learning, which allowed them to devote the majority of their time to enlightenment. In answering their questions, they developed … Read more

History of Math

Mathematics, study of relationships among quantities, magnitudes, and properties and of logical operations by which unknown quantities, magnitudes, and properties may be deduced. In the past, mathematics was regarded as the science of quantity, whether of magnitudes, as in geometry, or of numbers, as in arithmetic, or of the generalization of these two fields, as … Read more

Math Is The Language Of Of The Universe

Mathematics, the language of the universe, is one of the largest fields of study in the world today. With the roots of the math tree beginning in simple mathematics such as, one digit plus one digit, and one digit minus one digit, the tree of mathematics comes together in the more complex field of algebra … Read more

The relationship of mathematics and philosophy

Subjects: Mathematics, Arithmetic, Geometry. Keywords: mathematical inheritance, question of the relationship of mathematics, mathematical documents, knowledge of all secrets, mathematical knowledge of the Egyptians, number of workers, philosophical analysis, main figures. INTRODUCTION The question of the relationship of mathematics and philosophy was first asked a long time ago. Aristotle, Bacon, Leonardo da Vinci – many great minds … Read more