Learn From Our Failures

There is much to learn from failure. When you fail at something you realize the mistakes that you made. You learn how you should have done things in order not to make the mistakes that you did. The next time you try to succeed at the same task you can apply when you learned from … Read more

The Fall of the House of Usher: Imagery and Parallelism

In his short story “The Fall of the House of Usher”, Edgar Allen Poe presents his reader with an intricately suspenseful plot filled with a foreboding sense of destruction. Poe uses several literary devices, among the most prevalent, however are his morbid imagery and eerie parallelism. Hidden in the malady of the main character are … Read more

The story Paper by Catherine Lim analysis

The story Paper by Catherine Lim shows how greed can destroy a family and a persons life. The whole family was looking forward o their dream house. Lim, the wife would talk about it for hours to her sister & the kids would tell their cousins and friends all about it as well. Tay Soon, … Read more

Neighbors: a short story

Has jealously ever made you take action in ways that you wouldn’t normally? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in someone else’s shoes? If given the opportunity, would you step into his or her daily lifestyle? In the short story “Neighbors” by Raymond Carver, a young couple proves that the … Read more

Creative Writing: There Isn’t Much Time

It is Monday morning and I have slept in, thanks to Thanksgiving. In fact, it’s twelve o’clock and I am free for the afternoon. As usual, I sit in front of the . television after I clean myself up, staring endlessly at the screen with my finger clicking on the remote. I realize that I … Read more

The Priceless Adventure

At the airport terminal, I waved my last good-byes and began to nervously walk toward the checkpoint, turning around twice, telling myself I was absolutely crazy! I had finally found a way to live in another country. There I was, on the next flight to Germany, with no knowledge of the language or how different … Read more

Start Where You Are

Upon opening the book and reading the first paragraph I noticed a strangeness in the writing. I said to myself that these are run-on sentences. I had to go back and read the first paragraph all over because it did not make sense to me at first. As I read on, I thought to myself … Read more

John Gotti: The American Mobster

This is a story about a New York mobster, who was the Godfather of the Gambino Family. Today he is serving a life sentence in Marion Federal Penitentiary on 43 counts of racketeering, multiple murders, loan sharking, gambling, and even jury tampering. John Gotti was born October 27, 1940 in the Bronx. John Gotti had … Read more

Grandfather’s House

His house, an edifice of dilapidated wood, reminds me of age. The white siding showed evidence of neglect. Paint chips had fallen off and collected on the window ledge and shudders, leaving small patches of wood showing. The shudders were brown and rough, like that of the bark of an old tree. Hanging askew, they … Read more

Crap – A story

Sex. Pure unadulterated sex. When we think of sex, it is not usually in the context of a fairytale. Fairytales are for children, virgin ears. Over the years, fairytales have been “cleaned up” for young ears- we have become accustomed to the bland Disney versions of tales. How many of us can recount a version … Read more

Diynysos – a story

Winter squalls are drained out of the sky. The violet season of flowering spring smiles. The black earth glitters under green lawns. Swelling plants pop open with tiny petals. Meadows laugh and suck the morning dew, while the rose unfolds. The shepherd in the hills happily blows the top notes of his pipe. The gathered … Read more

Stereotyping – A story

It was a hot summer day; a friend and I were driving through downtown Rochester. My friend is very smart and sometimes outspoken; however on the other hand, I like to listen and wait until something offends me to speak. Then all of the sudden my friend yells hey look an accident. Of coarse the … Read more

Voltaire’s Candide: “All is Not for the Best”

Voltaire’s Candide is the story of an innocent man’s experiences in a mad and evil world, his struggle to survive in that world, and his need to ultimately come to terms with it. All people experience the turmoil of life and must overcome obstacles, both natural and man-made, in order to eventually achieve happiness. In … Read more

A Drunk Bus Driver

Sometimes, even from the most unsuspecting people wonderful and profound messages can originate. This is the story of one such incident when much could be learned from a person like that. On the way to school one day, this kid named Patrick went around telling everyone that he had some beer in his lunch box. … Read more

Recalling A Place

I walked up to the Euclid Tavern and noticed a huge pink fluorescent sign displaying the word liquor above the doorway. I opened the graffiti covered door and was immediately overwhelmed with the stench of cheep beer and cigarette smoke. I looked to the right of me and noticed an enormous bar, stretching about 100 … Read more

Scholarly Legal Writing

The education of lawyers must not merely involve the acquisition of knowledge and skills; it must include the cultivation of creative thinking and imagination, the appreciation of the commonality of the human condition, and development of a sense of judgment and responsibility. Hence, lawyering includes the ability to understand and critique existing and emerging visions … Read more

Chaucers Lessons in the Canterbury Tales

Geoffrey Chaucers Canterbury Tales is a story of nine and twenty pilgrims traveling to Canterbury, England in order to visit the shrine of St. Thomas A. Becket. The General Prologue starts by describing the beauty of nature and of happy times, and then Chaucer begins to introduce the pilgrims. Most of Chaucers pilgrims are not … Read more

Skiing – Creative Story

I was the first person to ski off of the chairlift that day, arriving at the summit of Bosquets Mountain, nestled in the heart of the Berkshires. It was the type of day when the clouds seemed to blanket the sky, leaving no clue that the sun, with its powerful light, even existed anymore. It … Read more

Survival Creative Story

This isn’t happening. Things like this don’t happen to people like me. I sit on a log and look up at the canopy of trees hovering over me. I glance around, seeing only other confused faces glance at me. It’s quiet. The loudest quiet I’ve ever heard. My head floods with thought and I close … Read more

Short Story Characteristics

The short story is a concise form of narrative prose that is usually simpler and more direct compared to longer works of fiction such as novels. Therefore, because of their short length, short stories rely on many forms of literary devices to convey the idea of a uniform theme seen throughout the script. This theme … Read more

The Lake

It was the middle of springtime and across from my house where the incident took place. There was a lake there in which my brother and I loved to explore from time to time. The humidity and waterdrops where reminiscent of a fully functional sauna. The onslaught of heat and burning glow of the sun … Read more

Treastie on thinking

What you are about to read are only my thoughts. The thoughts in which I would pay any amount of money not to behold for I wish I could be simple minded and just follow instead of being damned with holding thoughts that no one else shares. The whole idea, man governing man is simply … Read more

Barbie vs. Hercules

Imagine a world in rose and purple where golden flakes are falling all over in a mirage of perfection. It is a world populated by nymphs and sleeping beauties, a world ruled by heroes and princes. From different prisms and colored glass, we see this world all the time reflected by what is called “the … Read more

Moll Flanders (A Brief Summary)

Moll Flanders is a story about the fall and rise of a beautiful woman who was born in Newgate Prison. Her mother was saved from the gallows because she pleaded her belly, and soon after Moll was born, her mother was shipped to the clonies to work out her sentence. Left behind, Moll was raised … Read more

Dream Interpretation

She awakens in the night, the visions from her mind still vivid. The dream was amazingly realistic. A long hallway stretched before her. Several doors lined the hallway, each with a padlock. A ring full of keys weighed heavily in her hand. What did it all mean? Did this hallway symbolize her life? The doors … Read more