StudyBoss » Tricolon


The tricolor is a sentence, often a set of sentences, composed of three rhythmic speakers (Kola). Kolas are formed by speech by light interferences, and are interlocuting speech acts which rhythmify the language. The tricolor is therefore, in the widest sense, a triple figure or a three-part sentence, such as “I sit, I read, I think!”. If the parts of the tricolon are increased in content, this can signifi- cantly amplify a statement (see Klimax, Antiklimax).

Trikolon can be derived from Greek (τρι ~ tri, κῶλον ~ kolon) and translate with triple term. According to this, the translation already reveals very beautifully what is involved with the stylistic figure: namely, a linguistic unity consisting of three parts. Let’s look at an example.

Veni, vidi, vici!
I came, I saw, I conquered!
The above example is credited to Julius Caesar. We can identify the Latin original as tautogram and alliteration (example alliterations), but this is lost in translation. We can still interpret these as climax, asyndeton, anapher and tricolor.

The sentence consists of three Kola, that is, three rhythmic speakers, each separated by a comma and forming a semantic unit. This means that these three parts belong together on one level.

Through this juxtaposition, the tricolor lends the saying a certain dynamism, which is why the style-figure seems to work through brevity and conciseness, and it seems both powerful and energetic. Furthermore, the figure always has an enumeration character, whereby it usually closes and completely appears.

Love engaged married
This example, too, is alliterative and unites several rhetorical stylistic means. However, we see here again why the tricolor gives the impression of completeness and completeness: for by the arrangement of three substantive limbs, a state of affairs can act as if it had been presented very comprehensively. This is intensified when tricola have an increasing effect (→ climax).

“It is so comfortable to be immature.
If I have a book that has understanding for me,
a pastor, who has conscience for me,
a doctor who judges the diet for me, etc.,
I do not need to strive for myself. ”
This example comes from the philosopher Immanuel Kant and is his work What is Enlightenment? from the year 1784 (→ Literaturepochen). It is clear that tricolor must not only consist of individual words or utterances, but can also encompass whole senses. Consequently, tricola are twinning formulas that appear rounded and complete.

Tricolor in membris crescentibus
As described, tricola set structures or sentence series are composed of three rhythmic speakers. These are often arranged to increase (climax). This is called Tricolon in membris crescentibus.

Thus, the special case of the tricolor is the connection of the stylistic figure with a climax, whereby a sentence then appears not only in three parts, but in terms of content, which can intensify a statement immensely, thus increasing the appearance of completeness and completeness.

Consequently, the first two examples of this paper illustrate the special case of the Stilfigur. Above all in rhetoric this form can underline the urgency or importance of a statement.

I will love you, respect, love!
The example shows precisely this threefold increase in content and also the three-part series of rhythmic speakers. Consequently, it is the connection of climax and tricolor and consequently a tricolor in membris crescentibus (translation: triadness that grows through the limbs).

Dicolone and tetrakolone
Linguistic structures can, of course, also consist of fewer or more than three members. These forms have their own names, which we would like to introduce to you.

Dikolon: Is a sentence structure or a sentence series of two rhythmic speakers (Kola), thus one less, than with the Trikolon (example: “I lived, I died!”).
Tetrakolone: ​​A four-figure figure or a four-part sentence. Basically, therefore, a part more than is the case with the tricolor (example: “I came, I saw, I won, I went!”). The tetrakolon can, by the way, be regarded as a separate poem form → Quatrain
Effect and function of tricolor
In principle, it is difficult to attribute a clear function or effect to a stylistic device, since there is the danger of assuming it with each use. It is forgotten that figures can break with expectations. Nevertheless, we would like to offer a possible interpretation.

The tricolon is a sentence structure or a set of three rhythmic speakers (Kola), which are related in content and separated by speech pauses.
Tricolor can look absolute, complete and rounded, which is due to their listing. Who dares a list, seems to cover an area with it and thus say everything. This effect can amplify a statement.
This reinforcing list is also often found in advertising slogans, which seem more memorable (example: Quadratic, Practical, Good, Rittersport).
This effect can also be enhanced by the combination of tricolone and climax. In this context one speaks of a tricolor in membris crescentibus

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