StudyBoss » Parabe


The parable is an epic small form, which is related to the parable. The parabola is a short, instructive text, which must be decrypted by the receiver (reader, listener). In a parable, a story is told, which can be transferred to a really meant situation. In this context, one speaks of two levels: the image plane as well as the plane plane. The image plane describes the superficial event, from which the real thing can be deduced by interpretation: the plane of affairs. The parabola, therefore, resembles the fable and the allegory.

The term can be derived from the Latin parabola, which goes back to the ancient Greek parabolic (παραβολή), and translate it with a juxtaposition, a comparison, but also a parable. According to this, the translation of the word already points to what is at stake: namely the equating of two situations, that is, what is shown in the narrative and what is really meant.

In mathematics, the term means a curve. Although the mathematical approach has something to do with this kind of text only marginally, the mathematical parabola can be used to illustrate the basic characteristic of the text. Thus, we can think of the two parabolae as the scene of images, and the apex represents the Tertium comparationis, that is, the common of both planes. The meaning and structure of a parabola

The above diagram illustrates the principle. The left parabola is the image plane. This image plane is what is actually told in the text. The task of the reader is to find the Tertium comparationis. So the point, the image plane and the common cause have in common, which thus connects them with each other. This allows the reader to see and understand the meaning of the parable.

This principle also applies to similar texts, such as the parable or the fable, but the simple comparison is sometimes based on not naming the common. Let us look at this approach by way of an exemplary fable. In the fable, it is easier to find the common between the scene and the subject, since at the end there is a doctrine. As an example, a fable of Aesop (Greek poets).

A raven had stolen a cheese, flew with it on a tree and wanted to eat the prey in peace. But since it is the raven’s way not to be silent at dinner, a passing fox heard the raven croak over the cheese. He ran hurriedly and began to praise the raven: “O Raven, what a wonderful bird! If your singing is as beautiful as your plumage, then you should crown yourself to the king of all birds! “These flatteries did so well to the raven that he opened his beak wide enough to sing the fox something. The cheese was omitted. The fox took it fiercely, ate it, and laughed at the foolish raven.

In the text, the Rabel and the Fox meet each other. Nearly all the animals that appear in the fable are equipped with very specific human characteristics. Thus the fox is generally regarded as sly and clever, the raven as pretentious or mischievous (cf. Fabeltiere). The fox overshadows the raven in the text, which is why the Raven forgets that he loses the cheese when he begins to sing because of the flattering.

There are two animals on the image plane. One of them shouted the booty to another. The doctrine that can be drawn from it could be that the praise or the flattery of strangers are frequently endowed with hints. We can understand this point as a matter of affairs, that is, what is actually meant by history. As Tertium comparationis the behavior of the animals can apply – because this point is shared by animals and humans, which means that the level of the subject can be interpreted. Interpreting the parabola shown as an example.

Although a fable has been used to clarify, the principle set out remains identical in the context of the parabola. In the further course of the article, what has been said is shown by the ring parable, the classical example. In the first place, however, the most important features of the text are to be found.

Characteristics of a parabola
The parabola is an epic short form and is therefore rather of small scale and mostly written in prose. It is a form of apprenticeship and therefore has an educational character. It wants to move the receiver (reader, listener) to something.
The origins of this text lie in ancient rhetoric, with parables and parables frequently being used to support one’s own argumentation (cf. argument types). In the New Testament of the Bible, for example, the parables of Jesus, which are characterized by a parabolic character and serve to illustrate his speeches.
The recipient must however open up what the parabola wants to say. The text type

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