StudyBoss » Gibberish


A gibberish is an incomprehensible or confused speech as well as language. It is incomprehensible because it is composed of various feminine elements, or a mixture of different foreign languages, which are partly used by false forms of genus, case, and number. Consequently, an incomprehensible pronunciation can also be called gibberish. Gingerbread is similar to Grammelot, a play language of the theater consisting of phantasies and sounds (see Nonsens).

The origin of the term is not entirely clear. The last syllable of the word – Welsch – is the old, German term for the Romance languages ​​and can also be translated as foreign and foreign. Nowadays, the following villages and regions are particularly reminiscent of Wales: Wales, Wallonia, Wallachia (Romania).

For the first part – Kauder – a clear assignment of the origin is, however, more difficult. On the other hand, Kauder could go back on the upper-German verb, which could be translated with proliferations. On the other hand, it is also possible that the gibberish goes back to Churwelsch, a Romance-Germanic mixed language of switzerland. Kantons Chur, as used by Martin Luther.
Example sentence that becomes a gibberish because of foreign words for the recipient.

The above example illustrates the principle of incomprehensibility by foreign words. Basically, the example is a German sentence. However, the terms and difficult words make it almost impossible to understand it. In fact, there is only the fact that throwing snowballs on the school grounds is forbidden. The same is often the case with civil servants and lawyers.

In fact, however, the term refers to the incomprehensible use of foreign languages. Accordingly, the frequent use of foreign-language concepts in German or the decomposition of German by foreign-language concepts can also be regarded as a gibberish. However, the incomprehensible use of a foreign language can also fall on deaf ears among the respective country people. An example:

The above video example shows speech contributions by Günther Oettinger and Rainer Brüderle. In the first example, Oettinger speaks English and, through his pronunciation and the ambiguous emphasis, linguistic gibberish, so that it is almost impossible for the listener to decipher what is meant. In the second part it is Brüderle who twists the language, although he speaks German.

Politics gives us a final example when we look at the collected speeches by former Chancellor Edmund Stoiber. It is not so much about the excessive use of foreign words or foreign-language terminology as a thoroughly confused way of speaking. This can also be called gibberish if it is incomprehensible.

Note: The above examples are not intended to denigrate or ridicule the people, even if the selected contributions have satirical features. Rather, the examples above show that chewing glee can be quite funny.

Jargon and gibberish
Slang, also called slang, is a vocabulary that is not standardized. This means that this is a variation of a language that is spoken only by a small group of people who are professionally, culturally or socially separated. It can be characteristic of a subculture or a social milieu and can sound like a gibberish for outsiders.

The origin of the term is found in France in the 15th century. There was a criminal gang, which called mussel brothers. To recognize, the members of the gang wore a shell around their necks. They also used a secret language, which they called jargon.

Jargon, for example, can be the Argot, which describes a secret language of the beggars and rascals of medieval France. Here grammatical rules were intentionally broken or played with linguistic patterns. Thus, cryptic word creations were made, which were difficult to understand for groups that were not initiated.

Thus, by a kind of encryption, the word zonzon was created, when Prison and thus the prison was meant, also acronyms were used to encrypt a content (TDC for tombé du camion ~ stolen) or borrowings from foreign languages ​​(Mabul [arabic] for mahbûl ~ crazy).

Short overview: The most important part of the term at a glance
A speechless language or speech is referred to as gibberish. This may be due to the pronunciation of the speaker, but also to the frequent use of compartment covers,

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