StudyBoss » Binnenreim


A form of rhyme is called internal rhyme. In the inner rhyme, the words that rhyme with each other are in the sinner, that is, in the same line. Sometimes the term also refers to rhymes extending over two verses. Special forms are the middle rhyme, middle rhyme, inreim, rhyme rhyme, transient rhyme and rhyme rhyme. 

The inner rhyme, however, describes quite literally the rhyming of two words in the mind, and in this form was mainly found in the middle-high German poetry as well as in baroque literature. Let us take a look at the example of Rainer Maria Rilke.

It is as if there were a thousand bars
and behind a thousand bars no world.
The above example is taken from the poem The Panther and shows the last two verses of the first stanza. Here, the successive word rods rhyme and would be within a line, thus creating a domestic rhyme. This is also a dash of rhyme, because the consistency exists between two words which follow each other immediately. Let us look at another example.

What should I be in arken or barken
The above line is from Walther von der Vogelweide, one of the most important German-speaking lyricists of the Middle Ages (→ Literaturepochen). The words barken and arken rhyme within the line. However, these are separated by several syllables.

Note: Many internal rhines are separated only by a single piece of information, such as running and sleeping. In the Brockhaus of 1911, the inner rhyme is even defined as the rhyme of two separate words of the same line. This definition, however, does not cover all forms of the rhyme, which can also apply to words that are found in the next line.

Special forms of the interior rhine
means rhyme
In this form of the internal rhyme the rhyme lies in two successive lines. The rhyming words are in the middle of the two verses. This means that the phrasing of the words is in the interior of two verses, the successions, in the midst of a rhythmic series, and not at the end.

I am the father of my daughter
and have a hangover. All fine!
middle rhyme
The middle rhyme, also a form of the inner rhyme, is distinguished by the fact that the end of a verse and the interior of the preceding or following verse are in harmony. The binding is thus realized either from the middle to the end or from the end to the center. Let’s look at an example.

I have a cat. All good.
and am my daughter’s father.
or just:
I am my daughter’s father
and have a cat. All good.
The Inreim describes a sequence of rhymes, which means that the last word of a verse rhymes with a word from it. The Inreim is certainly one of the most common internal rhythms that can be encountered in a poem. Let us look at an example from the pen of Heinrich Heine.

A strong black bark
Sails sail away.
beat rhyme
The rhyme served as an example of the inner rhyme. In this case, the looping is effected between two words which follow one another immediately. The rhyme is a typical remedy in humorous lyricism. Let’s look at an example.

The octopuses were terrified when we went diving
and our harpoons hung in the water.
Note: A special shape of the chime is the Echoreim. Here, however, there is another word or line break between the words, the echore is not formed with end rhymes, but consists only of words from the inside. Nevertheless, it is an inner rhyme.
Overflowing rhyme
The overflowing rhyme means that the sending of the one rhymes to the beginning of the following verse. The rhymes thus connect the individual lines and thus can certainly intercept the line break and make them appear less strongly (see Enjambement).

I said to Peter:
Later you will understand.
overflowing rhyme
In the striking rhyme, the beginning of a line of verse rhymes to the last word of this line. Thus, the beginning and the end can form a unit and, consequently, include the content in a certain way. Here, too, let us look at an example that has almost been translated into our language.

Money makes the world go round
caesura rhyme
There are three forms of the caesura-rhyme, which, however, all describe an internal rhyme. Either the term means the rhyme between a word of the verse before the caesura and the word which stands immediately before it, or the rhyme between two words which stand in successive lines before the caesura, or the rhyme between a word before the caesura and the am ship.

What she builds and steals today tears those tomorrow:
For this example, the Alexandrian line of Andreas Gryphius was somewhat modified. It shows the first variant of the caesura rhyme, and thus the fact that a word before the caesura rhymes to the one immediately preceding it. In this case build on stolen.

Brief overview: Importance, effect and function of the internal rhine
In a narrower sense, the inner rhymes are the term of the cycle between two words within a line. In general, however, a rhyme between one word and another can also be referred to in the following or previous verse.
Often such rhymes are used in humorous, so funny, poetry. Nevertheless the rhyme is of course not limited to this genre. Even in children’s rhymes or limbs often rhymes are found (eg, Ene, mene, miste, it rattles in the crate).
The rhyme form has a concrete effect is thus not necessarily purposeful. Although the speed of reading and sometimes the lecture is increased when subsequent words rhyme, but this effect can also be avoided.
A stylistic device that describes exactly the same is the Homoioteleuton. The style figure means that the final syllables of successive words of a row are the same, which of course reminds the percussion rhyme.
Note: It is also important that the internal rhyme is a special form of the rhyme and not a rhyme scheme such as the pair rhyme and cross rhymes. A rhyme scheme is distinguished by the fact that a certain final rhyme pattern can be seen across the entire stanza. The internal rhyme means, however, only the number of lines within a few lines and affects only these.


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