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An addendum, appendix, appendix and appendix, shall be accompanied by a supplement, supple- mentary and the addendum to a document. The addendum therefore always means something which is lacking, something that is to be supplemented or appended, which has been attached to the actual letter. Such addenda may appear in prose as an introduction, prologue or epilogue, and in the scientific literature in the form of glossaries, endnotes, registers, pictures, as well as tables, maps, tables, and the like.

The term can be derived from the Latin (addendum) and translated with the addition. According to this, the translation already refers to what is at issue in principle: namely additional content [which is added to a document which is mostly independent]. If such addenda are attached to a bound book, they are usually marked as an appendix.

Note: Accordingly, all additions to an independent document can be called addenda, which is quite irrelevant. They are, therefore, always to be understood as a supplement, and not a part of the actual main activity.
Addenda: Appendix, Annex, Annex, Postscript, Errata
The terms appendix, appendix, annex, postscript and errata all refer to types of the addendum. Nevertheless, they differ in some details, are used only in certain areas or denote a very definite form of addenda. The following is an overview:

Attachment: Is attached to a letter, can be used both in files as well as in the traffic via e-mail. Usually is not an independent document, but an addition to the main part. If the document is an independent document, investment should be considered.
Attachment: Means a separate document to the main part. A brochure attached to a business letter would thus be an investment; a table, which is mentioned in the business letter, an appendix.
Annex: Applies primarily to contracts and also means a written appendix. Can include tables and reports. The preamble to the Treaty is called a preamble.
Errata: Are inserts in a written work, which are added after the printing of the edition. They point to errors in this edition and can be in the form of a simple entry page, but can also be an insertion booklet. In the next edition the errors will be improved.
Postscript: Is an attachment to a text and is usually used in the written communication via e-mail or letter and with the abbreviation PS initiated. German names for the postscript are Nachsatz and Nachschrift. The term is also used in literary works.
Short overview: The most important thing about the addendum at a glance
As Addenda all additions to a text are designated and are therefore added to a document. These additions can be of various forms and appear in all publications. The term covers all additions.
Although the term refers to all additions, there are separate terms which are more common in a concrete context. These, however, are all addenda, but they can differ in their function.

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