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The Iliad story

The Iliad is the quintessential epic. It is full with gods, goddesses, heroes, war, honor, glory, and the like. However, for just short while near the very conclusion Homer avoids all of those epic qualities. The banquet scene in Book XXIV is the most touching, the most “human” scene in the entire poem . In the midst of the dreadful gulf of war and anger there occurs an intimate moment between two men who ironically have much in common below the surface. Priam, old and fragile, makes his way to the camp of the enemy’s greatest warrior late at night.

He bears what little treasures have not been exhausted by the ten-year conflict and plans to plead for the rightful return of his son’s body. This is his final heroic endeavor. And perhaps, because he has just lost someone so dear to him, he is willing to take the risk despite his fear. What is interesting is that when he does arrive at the camp of Achilles, his fear suddenly subsides and “the old man makes straight for the dwelling where Achilles beloved of Zeus was sitting. ” A decisive moment has arrived for both men.

When Priam enters, Achilles knows that he must accept his own death with open arms while Priam is forced to sit at the knees of Achilles and kiss the hands that have killed his beloved Hektor. Homer seems to stop the action for a moment to let us feel the intensity of this extraordinary encounter. Priam urges Achilles to think of his own father and then pity Priam in his outrageous position, a king “who must put my lips to the hands of the man who has killed my children. ” Achilles immediately accepts Priam’s appeal and the two weep for their sons, fathers, and friends.

This sharing of common grief becomes a bridge back to human sympathy. In an amazing speech Achilles soothes Priam’s sorrow by painting a picture of their common misfortune and the inevitable limits of mortality. He reminds Priam that “there is not anything to be gained from grief for his son. ” “You will never bring him back,” he says, “sooner you must go through yet another sorrow. ” Though Achilles has matured dramatically since the beginning of the Iliad the complexities of his character don’t disappear instantly.

Priam asks not to be seated so he can more quickly attend to the return of Hektor. Suddenly Achilles’ anger flashes out. Though his insight and human compassion have developed greatly he is still obstinate and proud and will not be told what to do in his own house. However, once again exhibiting his recently established maturity, Achilles quickly puts away his anger, the word of severe wrath that began the Iliad. He calls upon his attendants to remove Priam’s gifts from the wagon and prepare Hektor’s body so that his mournful father may carry him home.

But extraordinarily when the body has been washed and wrapped it is Achilles himself that embraces Hektor up and places him in the wagon. At the same time he is embracing his own inevitable fate. Upon returning Achilles invites Priam to join him for supper and reminds him that, mournful as they may be, they must remember to eat. Neither has eaten in days but now it is as if a great weight has been lifted from each man’s heart and a strange healing power has surfaced.

Finally relieved, they are able to satisfy one of their basic human needs. Again, Achilles assumes the role of the elder of the two and shares with the old king a story to support his decision to have supper. Again, though he has accepted his death it seems as though Achilles is buying himself a little more time. “But when they had put aside their desire for eating and drinking,” Priam gazes at Achilles in wonder. In him he sees godlike qualities and he is reminded of his own heroic son.

This is again a bizarre occurrence taking into consideration that Achilles has the killed so many of his children. Perhaps Priam accepts those deaths as an element of the war and doesn’t see Achilles exclusively as a killer. If this is so than Priam’s kind heart and ability to forgive are extraordinary. He appears to be able to find the “good” in everyone. Recall in Book III his kindliness towards Helen. This perception of Achilles as a vision of Hektor is also a reaction to Achilles’ his newly developed warmth and tenderness.

And in fact, not overlooking what Achilles has done, Priam cannot deny that he is a great strong warrior and has brought much glory to the side of the Achaians. By reaching out to Priam, Achilles, for a moment, brings these two bitterly warring nations into a zone of peace. . There is no pretty ending; Troy, we know, will soon be destroyed. The scene is uncompromisingly tragic: Patroklos is dead, Hektor is dead, Priam will soon be killed, and Achilles will soon be killed. Yet somehow, in the midst of suffering, moral beauty survives.

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