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The Case of UFO on Earth

If you had mentioned seeing a Unidentified Flying Object (UFO), or spaceship from another planet 100 years ago, you would probably be thought of as a raving lunatic. If you had mentioned one 50 years ago, the case would be thought about, but with much suspicion. Today, many people would believe you, and, if you had evidence to prove it, the government would take a very close interest in your case, yet many people would call you an idiot. Despite all the evidence that indicates UFO’s exist, there are still many people who will not listen to any evidence, and the government covers up evidence and alters news releases on

The Roswell case is one of the best documented, and most controversial UFO cases ever. In July of 1949, at a small airforce base in Roswell, New Mexico, a small, brightly glowing object was observed to crash land at about 11:30 P. M. There were many people who had seen the crash, and they had described that it was “brighter, and fell much slower than any meteors” they had ever seen. At St. Mary’s Hospital in Roswell, two Catholic nuns, saw the crash, directly north of them, and logged the crash to have occurred on July 4, between 10:00 and 11:30 PM.

Southwest of the base, Corporal E. L. Pyles looked o see what at first he thought was a shooting star, only it seemed to be to large to be one. He testifies that the There were many Military officers in the area who had seen the object as well. The object was appearing on military radars for many days before the crash. Before the crash, on July 1, all of the officers and technicians at the base had been tracking an unidentified object on their radars. Starting on July 2nd, Steve MacKenzie, who was stationed at Roswell, was ordered to report to the White Sands Proving Ground radar sites and report directly to the brigadier general at the base.

The Brigadier General’s rders were to inform him of all the movements the object made. At White Sands, there had been doubt as to whether this object was a malfunction of radar equipment, or, if it was in fact, real. So , the airforce had other radar sites in Albuquerque and Roswell look at the area on their radars. It was shown that they had, in fact, a real object. During the evening of July 4, the object changed. It was growing bigger, then shrinking back to it’s original size, the blip was pulsating, then the blip grew quite large, and disappeared from the screen.

Because sites in Albuquerque, White Sands and Roswell were tracking the bject, the airforce had a vague location about where it crashed. The airforce then decided to launch a comprehensive search the following morning. The airforce, however, was the last to arrive at the site. A group of archaeologists being led by Dr. W. Curry Holden, had arrived earlier. One of the students recorded the object as “a crashed wingless plane, with a flat fuselage. ” The archaeologists then left to inform local authorities of an aircraft accident.

When the airforce arrived at the Roswell crash site, there were two other people exploring, a man named Ragsdale and a woman named Truelove. They had been collecting pieces of metal from the site, tossing it into their jeep . But, what they saw after that was much more significant. There were bodies, lying about. There were several of them, about four or five feet long. There were five in total, obviously not human. There were three dead bodies, one in critical condition, and one, apparently fine.

They threw the debris clear of their jeep when the airforce started driving up, and got out of there as fast as they could because of fear of being arrested. When the airforce arrived, they looked around, and they saw the large craft in the side of the ountain, partly buried, leaning at about a 30 degree angle, with large pieces of debris scattered about. After the airforce had searched and photographed the area, they began cleaning up. The bodies were loaded into ambulances after being put into body bags. The living creature was taken into an ambulance also.

The area was cleaned over the next few days. And when I say “cleaned”, I mean raking the area to get all the pieces of debris and using industrial vacuum cleaners to take care of the rest. ” A little later, the airforce located a field that the UFO had apparently flown over as it crashed. The field had strange debris scattered all over. A man called Brazel owned the property, and, the airforce then allegedly kidnapped him for three days. They also rounded up the archaeologists, and later, tracked down Ragsdale and Truelove, who drove off as the airforce arrived, Ragsdale and Truelove and swore them to secrecy.

After they took care of all the other details, they changed the story from “FLYING SAUCER RECOVERED IN ROSWELL! ” which was submitted by an airforce officer, not a civilian, after the crash to, “WEATHER BALLOON CRASH IN ROSWELL! ” This story doesn’t hold up well though. After all the reports were turned in, and all the witnesses had been interviewed, it didn’t look like the airforce could support baloon story. So, they have been changing their stories around, from a weather balloon, to a crashed V2 rocket, to an experimental aircraft.

As recent as June of 1995, the airforce officially announced that it was in fact a balloon lofted to view Russian weapon test sites. But, that wouldn’t explain the bizarre debris, a foil that would re-shape itself after being bent, and the pieces of metal that would not melt under any temperature. Nor would it explain the Aliens hemselves. So, none of these explanations could hold water. The only possibilities are that it was a early US spacecraft, or, a UFO. And the UFO , for the first time ever, is the only explanation that makes sense.

The aliens of the Roswell case are the classic Grey’s. They are short, 3. 5 feet tall, slit mouth, and large oval eyes. They are grey in color and have a very hostile disposition towards humans. There is no known record of what happened to the living alien. The last he was seen, was walking under his own power into the military hospital (Not the St. Mary’s hospital). In the hospital here are reports of some Medics from Washington preforming an autopsy. The alien that was autopsied gave off a tremendous stench, that caused the doctors to vacate the room.

The bodies were then loaded onto planes, and no one knows where they went, because of the great scheme the airforce had to hide the bodies destination. The debris from the crash site, and the debris in the field, was also loaded up and taken to different places around the country. There are three main types of aliens that are said to visit Earth. There are many other species that have been reported, but these incidents are to sporadic and nsupported to believe. The first type of alien are called the Greys, short, militaristic aliens with no apparent emotion.

They can take a humans life with no apparent regard for that individual. They are between 3. 5 – 4. 5 feet tall, and are totally grey with a slit mouth and oval eyes. They focus mainly on the study of other lifeforms, and genetic engineering. Finally, they are a completely cloned race, which is dying because their DNA is harmed after each cloning. They may be creating a mix-breed of humans and themselves in order to create a better race than both. The second type are called The Reptilians. They are aid to be the masters of the Greys.

The Reptilians are said to be travelling to Earth on an asteroid where 30 million of them survive. Though that is unbelievable, if this was true, these aliens would arrive sometime in the next couple years. They resemble large, erect alligators. They should also be considered hostile, because their technology is so advanced when compared to ours, and they seem to consider us a lower forms of life. (David House, 2) Finally, there are aliens which resemble a mixbreed of humans and Greys. They are the least likely of alien species to exist, which is unfortunate, because they are the riendliest.

They are the mix-breed of Humans and Greys that the Greys are creating. Why they have their own civilization would be a mystery if being a clone is true. The creatures have our advanced senses, while they have the Greys advanced brain. (David House, 3) Many people have different beliefs about UFOs and the aliens within them. Some people say, “Hey, if there ARE other advanced civilizations out there, WHERE are they? ” There are many different beliefs people have today. Some people flatly disbelieve that there are planets orbiting the stars that are in the Milky Way.

This is false, as there as been a recent discovery of at least three planets orbiting a nearby star. Also, the Hubble telescope has seen, what is thought to be the birth of a starsystem. The star is surrounded by a large disk of black substance, which proves the theory of how solar systems are formed. But, some people think there is only one civilization in a galaxy. The civilization in their galaxy can not leave their own galaxy, as that would be intruding on another civilizations “Holy Land”. There is only the smallest chance of that, as there are more than THREE TRILLION stars in the Milky Way galaxy.

More believable would be that there are other civilizations out in space, only they are flying around, ignoring us, as they have no use for a civilization that is as far ahead of us as we are compared to ants. No civilization that advanced, would most likely not be interested in humans and their little lives. Again, another explanation would be they used some kind of drug and hibernation method that would keep that person alive, happy, and able to go wherever that individual wanted to. There could actually be millions of these happy little sleepers hiding on a few planets out there.

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