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Argumentative Essay On Aliens

Many people question the fact that aliens might exist out there. The question is, do they? Many stories may give you a feeling that aliens just might be real. People have seen UFOs and some are even abducted by them. Some people don’t believe that aliens exist because they don’t think people really sight UFOs or see aliens themselves. It is possible that things can live and survive on other planets and galaxies. Many people all over the world have been abducted or seen abductions happen. In 1975, Travis Walton was abducted by a UFO. Before the abduction 7 men were working in a forest packing up ready to leave.

While they were in the car on the way home the men saw an object that looked like a flattened disc. All men agreed that Travis should go get a closer look. While looking up at the object a bright light struck him and threw him a distance away from the object. The other crew members fled the sight. When they returned there was no trace of Travis or the craft. Another abduction happened in August of 1993 which was The Kelly Cahill Encounter. While Kelly, her husband, and children were driving home from their friend’s house they spotted lights from a round craft that had windows around it.

The round UFO suddenly hovered over the road. The UFO came very close to the ground where you could see different colors from the bottom of it. Kelly thought she could see people inside of it. The craft disappeared out of sight. When they arrived home Kelly noticed that something was missing from the ride. She realized that an hour was missing from her family’s life. When she was getting ready for bed, she saw a small mark on her navel. Soon she started to remember what had happened on the ride home. Both her and her husband had gotten out of the car with no fear as they walked over to the massive object.

They spotted a creature that neither of them had recognized before. Kelly remembered going unconscious and ending up back in her car. Other witnesses tell the same story. In both stories Travis and Kelly experienced being abducted by a UFO. There has also been many UFO sighting just by themselves. One UFO sighting happened in Roswell, New Mexico. This sighting happened July 2, 1947. Mac Brazel was a sheep farmer in the desert of New Mexico when he heard a loud explosion. The noise was not unidentified until the morning. When he went outside that morning he couldn’t believe his eyes. He rushed to the sheriff’s station.

According to Mac, the object fell from the sky and crashed on his land. The craft had broken into many pieces and was shiny like foil. Mac took the sheriffs to his ranch where they took samples and warned him not to tell anyone. A few days later the story was out. Headlines all across the country read: “Air Force Captures a Flying Saucer! ” The day after that a General in Fort Worth, Texas said this was all a mistake. He went on the radio saying “The flying saucer was really a weather balloon. ” When the reported returned to the area the wreckage was not the same and was clearly a weather balloon.

Many people did not believe the air force, but they still had the last word. On the night of February 24, 1959, the flight and take off of Captain Peter W. Killian’s plane was normal and everything was going right. The plane took off a little after 7:00P. M. and the night sky was clear. When Killian reached Pennsylvania he looked out of the window and saw three bright lights. The lights were brighter than any star could ever be as they changed from yellow to orange. He watched as one of the lights separated from the others coming right to the plane. Killian made a sharp turn as the craft was hovering over the plane.

After a while, the craft soon moved back in line with the others. Killian told his passengers about the strange lights coming from the crafts while they all looked to examine. Once again one of the crafts broke off out of the line and came close to the plane. All pilots on the plane agreed it was not a known aircraft. When the plane landed one of the passengers contacted the media and the air force was in charge of checking for UFO sightings. The air force did not find any sightings and accused Killian of drunk when he observed the lights. The air force said that the UFO could have been a KC-97 tanker.

Killian said it couldn’t have en a KC-97 tanker because he knew what it looked like. In the end, the air force told him to stop talking. In Mac and Killian’s stories, the air force didn’t want anyone knowing about the UFOs. Many people believe in aliens while many people don’t. Over the years, we have never found aliens alive. All aliens or bodies that look like aliens are dead when we find them. In many stories, they find aliens by the crash scene. Such as in The Roswell Incident. We found bodies that could have been aliens, or just looked like aliens near the scene where the craft crashed down.

They also found aliens or people that look like them in 1966 when a young boy saw three disc land in a field. Small people came from the disc and looked as if they were discussing something when they suddenly ran back to the disc and fled to the north. What are these things? Could aliens exist out there? We have not found one alive for sure yet, but we are getting closer. We don’t have enough information about aliens because we have never found one alive, but there is a possibility that aliens could live on other planets. So, why does the government not want anyone to know about aliens?

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