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Sharikovs Inappropriate Actions In Frankenstein Essay

Sharikov, the dog-man in Heart of a Dog, also was uncontrollable by performing violence and inappropriate actions. Shortly after Sharikov became men and understood what Professor Philip Philippovich and Doctor Bormenthal say, professor and doctors tried to teach him manners and what to do and what not to do. However, as Sharikov developed advanced human mind, he started to act whatever he pleases and doing what he wasn’t allowed, “That evening Sharikov had appropriated two chervontsy… hopelessly drunk.

He was accompanied by two unknown individuals… emanding to pend the night in the apartment as Sharikov’s guests” (p. 97). His inappropriate actions agitated professor and doctor, forcing them to restrict Sharikov’s actions and opinions more. Opinions and actions being restricted bothered Sharikov and caused him to act more uncontrollably by disobeying and performing inappropriate actions such as getting drunk and sexually harass Zina, servant of Philip Philippovich: “entirely naked body… still drunk, tousled, and wearing nothing but his undershirt… but Zina is an innocent girl.

It’s lucky I woke up” (p. 106). Professor nd doctors restricting Sharikov’s actions, unpredictably increased Sharikov’s inappropriate actions because he had nowhere else to release his stress. If the professor and the doctor understood and taught Sharikov non-forceful way, Sharikov may have been able to control his actions towards others. Not only he unpredictably performs uncontrollable inappropriate actions, he performs uncontrollable violent actions that upset the professor and the doctor, “We choked them and choked them yesterday… ats” (p. 110).

Professor and doctor not knowing what kind of job Sharikov obtained, Sharikov becomes uncontrollable while performing his job in strangling cats. Although professor Philip Philippovich and Doctor Bormenthal educate him almost every day on how to act like human and gentlemen, because of their actions in restricting Sharikov’s action, Sharikov disobeys and becomes uncontrollable. In both texts, creations become to have control over the creators and even threaten their own creators as the narrative progresses.

The monster commands Victor, his creator, to make him an opposite sex of the monster so humans can live harmlessly: “I ask of you is reasonable and moderate; I emand a creature of another sex… My food is not that of man; I do not destroy the lamb and the kid, to glut my appetite; acorns and berries afford me sufficient nourishment” (p. 119- 120). Monster says that he doesn’t eat man, doesn’t kill lamb and children unless Victor refuses to make an opposite sex of the monster, giving Victor no choice but to obey monster’s favor.

However, after Victor destroys the female form of the monster, monster outrages and threatens Victor, “Slave, I before reasoned with you, but you have proved yourself unworthy of my condescension. Remember that I have power; you believe ourself miserable, but I can make you so wretched that the light of day will be hateful to you. You are my creator, but I am your master; – obey! ” (p. 140). Monster explicitly say that Victor is his slave and he has a stronger power over Victor that can make his life miserable and although Victor is his creator, monster himself is Victor’s master as he has a stronger power over Victor.

Finally, he leaves him a threat message, “It is well. I go; but remember, I shall be with you on your wedding-night” (p. 140). This is a warning message that monster change happiest day of is life to most miserable day and Victor cannot stop it because he has control over Victor. Sharikov in Heart of a Dog shows he have control over his creators by not being afraid of arguing back at the creators when commanded but also threatens them that he will find justice against them, “What is this, really! You think I won’t find justice against you? I have my sixteen arshin here, and here I stay” (p. 17).

Previously in the narrative, Sharikov was not able to argue back at his creators, professor Philip Philippovich and doctor Bormenthal, because he didn’t ave any control over them but as he gained his power and control over them, he is able to argue back and threaten them to get them to say what he wants. Not only Sharikov is able to argue back and threaten them to get them to say what he wants, with his control over the creators, he threatens to kill them, “he took a revolver from his pocket and aimed it at the dangerous Bormenthal” (p. 117).

Sharikov able to threaten to kill the creators present that Sharikov is above his creators in power and a trigger that his power will grow bigger if he continues to live. Two creations were formed by the help of science but have distinct characteristics of uncontrollable actions because they are determined by the surrounding environment, portraying science very dangerous because the characteristics are unpredictable. In Frankenstein, the monster’s characteristics were developed through the experiences he gained while he was trying to survive living in an unwelcome society.

When he was born, the monster was pure and innocent, “I ate some berries which I found hanging on the tress, or lying on the ground” (p. 80). Every action he performs were innocent, no iolence and no adultery. However, when the monster tries to join the human society, he got rejected because of his appearance, so he learns his survival skills through difficulties, “Old man turned on hearing a noise; and, perceiving me, shrieked loudly, and quitting the hut” (p. 83).

For he knows that he is not welcomed in the society, he learns a way to secretly hide in the society. While he hides, he learns human languages through a small hole through the cottage learning what emotions are, “She was endeavoring to learn their language; and the idea instantly occurred to me, that I should make use of he same instructions to the same end” (p. 94). With his survival skill, he could hide himself in the society, educate himself, and able to think critically as he gained more knowledge.

Unlike the monster in Frankenstein, Sharikov, dog-man, already had a set characteristics because per professor Philip Philippovich, Sharikov’s characteristics came from the human donor, “But who is he? Klim, Klim… -that’s what it is: two arrests, alcoholism” (p. 104). After Sharikov became a man, he started to drink alcohol frequently and becomes drunk multiple times like Klim would have if he were to be alive. Sharikov’s hatred towards cat came from when he was a dog because when Sharikov chases cats to the bathroom, he is trying to kill the cat, “PII kill you on the spot.. (p. 78).

Although both creation was created by science, each creation’s characteristics were determined by the surrounding environment, which science can’t predict if the creation will have positive or negative characteristics, portraying science as dangerous. Science in both texts is portrayed as dangerous because its characteristics are determined by the surrounding environment which it leads to npredictable consequences, among which are uncontrollable creations who come to control and even threaten their own creators.

Science is portrayed dangerous because the scientific creation becomes uncontrollable by committing violent actions like monster in Frankenstein or performing inappropriate actions like Sharikov in Heart of a Dog. Then creations having control over the creators and even threaten their own creators portrays negativity of science. Finally, creation’s characteristics not determined during the development and having rely on the surrounding environment port

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