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Iago’s Self Perception

The play, Othello, is a play that we can read with a great deal of understanding because we can relate it to our society today. We often witness acts of racism, gender bashing, evil people and suicides because of poor self perception. In the play we see examples of all of these. Othello’s suicide, Emilia’s severe dislike for men and the constant reference to Othello’s colour are all examples of the issues that I named above. The issue that I find the most interesting is how Iago perceives himself. I think Iago is not even sure of what he is.

Throughout the play we are shown several different perceptions of people. Most often the characters perceived Iago as honest Iago. I believe that we do not get a clear vision of how Iago views himself. He speaks of himself being evil and cunning, but he also says that we cannot call him a villain because he is not asking a fee for his advice. “And what’s he then that says I play the villain,/ When this advice is free…”(II,iii,336-7)

I think that Iago, originally was a character of good morale trying to raise in the state. Iago, did not feel as though he belonged in the Venetian state or the group that he desired to belong. We know Iago, is an outsider because of Cassio, when he speaks of Iago’s kindness. ” I never knew/ A Florentine more kind and honest.”(III,i,39-40) A possible reason for Iago’s severe actions against Othello in Cyprus was because he was an outsider and did not feel like he belonged.

He may have felt that he had no reason to fight for Venice. (A. Kavanagh) Iago can be compared to a young child who is new in town and feels left out. Or even the child who was part of the group and feels left out because his or her friends have found someone new to play with. A dislike for the new person would be natural. Iago, would be the child, the state would be the group and Othello would be the new child. The state grants Othello as the best man for the duties in Cyprus. Iago, believes that he is the better of the two and becomes jealous and hateful immediately.

Iago, seems to have a general dislike for everyone. At some parts in the play we could even get the impression of a dislike for himself or at least for what he is doing. Iago hates his wife and all women in general. He hates Othello, for his black skin colour, his superior position and for choosing Michael Cassio as his officer. He hates Cassio because Cassio is a gentleman and he hates the position that Cassio holds. Iago, is bitter about everything in his life.

We witness his severe dislike for women when he and Desdemona arrive in Cyprus. The two characters start off a good natured discussion about the genders. It quickly turns sour as he insults all women including the beautiful and virtuous Desdemona. Iago speaks of woman as deceptive creatures, especially women who are beautiful. ” There’s none so foul, and foolish thereunto/ But does foul pranks which fair and wise ones do.” (II,i,139-40) Iago, is trying to hurt Desdemona, by referring to the common belief that beautiful women were deceptive and evil. This belief was very common during Shakespeare’s time and can be witnessed in several of Shakespeare’s plays.

Does Iago perceive himself as evil? None of the other characters perceive him as evil until the very end of the play. I believe Iago does see himself as evil but he thinks that evil is the only way to get to the place in society where he wishes. We may compare Iago to a manipulative businessman who will do anything as he strives to reach the top. Iago, poisons the mind of Othello, and is responsible for Othello’s suicide and Desdemona’s death. He kills his wife. He kills Roderigo who handed money over when Iago was in need. Finally he attempts to kill Cassio. We ask ourselves was he killing just for a higher position of status or was he trying to quench a passion that sought the death of all those around him? Was Iago, the black devil that he often used to refer to Othello? “An old black ram/ is tupping you white ewe.”( I,i,85-6)

Today we would compare Iago to one of our most dangerous criminals. Iago, had the ability to manipulate minds and have others do the dirty deeds that he wanted performed. I think that a comparison can be made between Iago and Charles Manson a convicted felon. Manson manipulated the minds of several people and then had the poor souls whose minds he had twisted so cunningly murder people. Manson never killed anyone, but Iago has killed two people; Roderigo and Emilia. Iago, was able to be so manipulative because everyone, except his wife Emilia trusted him and thought he was a kind and loving person.

Why was Iago so evil and cruel? Did Iago have a psychological disorder? Some people say that it is a possibility. Shakespeare gave Othello, a seizure like disorder. Iago could be suffering from some form of depression caused by jealousy of Othello and all the other things that did not go properly in his life. Iago may concentrate on his failures in life more then anything positive that could have happened to him.

In closing I think that Iago was an extremely cruel person who did not see himself as evil or good. He did not think that he was doing wrong or right. Iago did not think of any of these things because he has no morals by which he can judge correct from incorrect. In some parts of the story we may feel a bleak moment of pity for Iago. When Cassio says to Desdemona “…You may relish/ him more in the soldier than in the scholar” ( II,i,164-5) I think this comment is very insulting to Iago. However; through the play I felt a deep dislike for Iago. I cannot comprehend why he could be so cruel and ruin the lives of so many people who had never done anything but good for him.

If Iago had performed his evil deeds in our society today we would have punished him for life. He would likely have a sentence of life in prison. Iago deserved to be punished to death for the way he manipulated the minds of his peers.

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