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Essay on Organ Trail Worksheet

Tissues Describe the four types of tissues. Epithelium Function Epithelial tissue covers the whole surface of the body. It is made up of cells closely packed, in one of more layers. Characteristics 1. Covers the whale surface of the body surface 2. Cells are densely packed together 3. Epithelial tissue can repair and regenerate itself Classification 1 Shape. Squamous,Cuboidal,Columnar 2. Layers. 1 layer = simple Multilayer= stratified Draw and label tissue examples in the circles below Connective Function

To support body + bind or connect together all types of tissues helps connect skeleton, aids in locomotion wraps around,cushions, and protects also stores nutrients. The Three Elements 1. Originate from mesenchyme embryonic tissue 2. Different degrees of blood flow 3. Made of nonliving material Two kinds 1. Special Connective Tissue (include function) The Special Connective tissue is also known as a cartilage is elastic, pliable, compact type of connective tissue. Draw examples in the circles below Nerve Function Neurons in the brain communicate electric impulses and neurotransmitters.

Three Elements 1. Brain 2. Spinal Cord 3. Nerves Muscle Function The Muscular system is the main function it is the only tissue in the body that could contract and therefore move other body parts. Three Types 1. Smooth – Involuntary digestive tract 2. Cardiac – 3. Skeletal – Voluntary biceps Organs & Organ Systems Research the organ systems in the body. Explain how each system helps the body function. Identify major organs in each system and explain their role in the organ system.

Using the All Systems Go! ebsite, answer these questions based on what you learned from playing the activity, and from reading the Learn More section. • What body system helps humans turn the food they eat into energy? Digestive system • What body system helps humans breathe? Respiratory system • What body system controls other body systems? Nervous system • What body system provides structure for the body? Skeletal system • What body system allows us to move? Muscular system • What body system includes a transport system (blood) and a pump (the heart) that keeps the transport system moving?

Circulatory system • Can you think of two body systems that work together? Muscle and Skeletal system • What part of the nervous system is essential for it to work properly? The Peripheral nervous system • What event could disrupt one or more body systems? Head trauma • What parts of the respiratory system would need to be blocked so no air could get into the respiratory system? Trachea Skeletal System The Skeletal system is a system that includes all of the bones and joints in the body each bone is a living organ that is made up of many cells that lets us move.

There are bones in your body that you might not even know they are there here is five of them cranium,ribs,clavicle, mandible, and the pelvic girdle. The cranium protects the brain from damaging it. The ribs protect the lungs and organs. The clavicle protects the important nerves and blood vessels. The mandible allows us to move our mouth. Then the pelvic girdle is connected to the trunk and legs supports the trunk by helping it be balanced. Muscular System The Muscular system is the system that has muscle to move your bones. There is different types of muscles like biceps, triceps,gluteus maximus,gastrocnemius.

The bicep is a two headed muscle that is on the upper arm the two heads joins up together to make a muscle. The tricep is the large muscle on the back of the upper limb it is responsible for the elbow joint. The gluteus maximus is located in the buttocks it is one of the strongest muscle in the human body and it is responsible for moving your hip and thigh. The gastrocnemius is located in the back of your leg it is called the calf it is being one of the two important muscles. Digestive System The Digestive system is a group of organs working together to turn food into energy for the entire body.

These are three things of the digestive system liver,stomach,and large intestine. The liver provides proteins with the help with vitamin K. The stomach is a muscle organ it controls the digestion of food. The large intestine is released by gut and dissolved water. Respiratory System The Respiratory system is a series of organs responsible for oxygen and carbon dioxide. The major organs are mouth, right lung, and esophagus. The mouth allows us to eat something and break it down to eat it. The right lung has lobes there is three lobes upper,middle,and lower lobes.

Whenever we eat something the esophagus transports it to the stomach. Circulatory System The circulatory system is an organ system that lets blood circulate and transport nutrients. These are three things that transport blood and nutrients jugular vein,carotid artery,and the femoral artery. The jugular vein drains blood from the head, brain,face and neck. The carotid artery are blood vessels that supply oxygenated blood to the large front to the brain. The femoral artery is the major arteries in the body this artery supplies blood to the lower section of the body.

Nervous System The Nervous system is the network of nerve cells and fibers that nerve impulses between parts of the body. The digestive system has these things in it the brain,spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system. The brain controls everything in your body and your brain has different parts that work together. The right brain controls the muscles on the left. The peripheral nervous system carries nerves and that can control your bones and joints. Body Trivia 1. The thickness of your skin varies from how many millimeters to how many millimeters, depending on the area of your body?

The thickness of your skin varies are from 12 to 6 millimeters. 2. List the five senses. a. Hear b. Feel c. Taste d. Smell e. Look 3. How much blood does your body contain? There is 7 percent of blood in your body. 4. What is the strongest muscle in the body and where is it located? The masseter in the strongest muscle in your body and it is located in jaw. 5. Muscles account for what percentage of one’s body weight? The normal muscle mass percentage is too 38%-54%. 6. How long are the small and large intestines? The small intestine is about 23 feet long and the large intestine is about 5 feet long.

7. How much skin to most people shed in a lifetime? Humans shed 1. 5 pounds of skin a year. 8. How much water flows th Tian kian water in its pure form goes through the kidneys. 9. How often do you blink in one day? You blink 28,000 times a day. 10. How many breaths do you take in a lifetime? You will breath 672,768,000 breaths in a lifetime. 11. How many nerves cells are in your brain? There is 100 billion neurons in the human brain. 12. If you placed all your blood vessels end-to-end, how long would they be? If your blood vessels were connected end to end it would 50,000 to 100,000 miles.

Using the information, complete the next two assignments. Assignment – The Human Body Corporation As a body organ, you are an employee of the Human Body Corporation. Due to recent cost increases, the Human Body has to fire workers. You need to write a letter to the Human Body Corporation defending your position in the company. In your letter, you need to describe to the corporation the following characteristics of your organ and explain why you are important to the Human Body Corporation. 1. Tell what the name of your organ is and where you are located.

Kidney 2. Identify what systems of the body you work with. I work with the urinary system. 3. Describe how you work with these systems. 4. List the other organs that work with you in your system. 5. Describe your main functions as a Human Body organ. 6. Tell the corporation how you perform these functions. 7. Tell the corporation why you are important and why they should not fire you. 8. Explain what might happen to the Human Body Corporation if they fired you. You will read your letter to the Human Body Committee (the rest of the class).

Along with your letter, you will need to have a photograph (labeled drawing) of your organ to use as a visual aid. Assignment, Part Two – The Roundup Your assignment is to share the information you have discovered by completing a Wanted poster. Here’s the assignment and what is required on the poster. 872 x 11 sheet of paper: any color. The word “Wanted” at the top of your paper. A drawing of your organ. Which organ system contains your organ? What is your organ’s main function(s)? How does your organ work to keep your body healthy? Can a person live without your organ?

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