Give me balance, give me equality. In all fairness I believe Athens had the better system of government. Thave come to this conclusion that Athens had a better system because anyone could hold office and they had more equal rights as a citizen in the government. Moreover, addressing the 11 million undocumented immigrants, I strongly believe that the United States should allow the immigrants to continuously live in the United States under some conditions.
The Athenian Democracy remains a novel and captivating analysis in direct majority rules system where the general population doesn’t choose delegates to vote for their sake yet vote on enactment and official bills in their own privilege. The Roman Republic was more represented by a complex constitution, which focused on the standards of a division of forces and governing rules. The constitution’s development was vigorously impacted by the battle between the privileged, or the patricians, and other capable Romans who were not from acclaimed families, the plebeians.
Right off the bat in its history, the republic was controlled by a nobility of people who could follow their family line back to the early history of the kingdom. After some time, the laws that permitted these people to overwhelm the legislature were canceled, and the outcome was the development of another nobility which relied on upon the structure of society, as opposed to the law, to keep up its supremacy. Therefore, just an insurgency could topple this new nobility.
Athens had a better system because it allowed anyone to hold office. All the 40,000 Athenian Citizens were able to attend the assembly which was held 40 times a year by a hillside called a Pnyx. All of the male citizens of Athens were eligible to join the Consul of 500; the Consul of 500 were chosen equally from a list of men 30 years and older by a lot. Finally, the members of the Consul of 500 had only 1 year to serve in the Consul and, so every citizens had the chance to be in the Consul of 500.
Additionally, the Athens were able to keep power and balance in their government because the citizens were able to lower the power of powerful people. Despite the fact that it was difficult to become a citizen of Athens, it was easy to become a Roman citizen, however, each citizen had limited citizenship rights; the more wealthy and powerful families had more rights and citizenships than others. For example, there was a census every five years to determine the ranks of the native and non-native citizens which also determined how much citizenship they had.
For example, the Latini, who were from the Italian peninsula, were able to live and do business in rome but could not have an official marriage. President Barack Obama said that”we’re not a nation that kicks out strivers and dreamers who want to earn their piece of the American Dream. We’re a nation that finds a way to welcome them. We make them earn it, but we welcome them in as fellow human beings, fellow children of God. And we harness their talents to make the future brighter for everybody. Therefore, I believe that we should not kick out the immigrants but instead let them stay here under some conditions. Some of these conditions require the immigrants to pass the criminal background check, serve the nation some way or another, learn English, and pay penalties for illegal immigration. I believe that this necessary for the immigrants to become citizens because it is what the native Americans, Caucasians, Asians, Hispanics, etc. , whom were born here, have gone through.
It’s just fair that they should be legal immigrants not illegal immigrants. In all reasonableness I believe Athens had the better arrangement of government. I have arrive at this conclusion that Athens had a superior framework due to the fact that anybody could hold office and they had more equivalent rights as a native citizen in the legislature. This was proven true by me because even though it was easier to become a Roman citizen, the citizenship were less fair than that of Athenians.
The immigrants may have a hard time earning their citizenship, however it is just fair that they do it. As the 44th President Barack Obama once said “we’re not a nation that kicks out strivers and dreamers who want to earn their piece of the American Dream. We’re a nation that finds a way to welcome them. ” Because our nation is the land of the free and the home of the brave, we should allow them to become prideful citizens of our nation.