StudyBoss » Comparing and contrasting the stories Worn Path and Young Goodman Brown

Comparing and contrasting the stories Worn Path and Young Goodman Brown

In comparing and contrasting the stories Worn Path and Young GoodMann Brown. Several things come to mind . We see that both authors use a lot of symbolism as well as foreshadowing. Also, Both stories take place in the forest or along a path. In the story Worn Path the author makes use of symbolism in diffident ways. The most obvious example is that the path, itself , symbolizes the old women. She is desc- ribed as bent , crooked, old and wore out.

This description would also fit the well wore path In the story Young GoodMan Brown the author makes reference to the appearance of the fellow-traveler and his likeness to Young GoodMann Brown. It is hinted that the fellow- traveler symbolizes the Devil. We can associate this as the evil that lies within us all. Both authors use foreshadowing throughout the stories to let us know what is to come.

One example of foreshadowing is When the fellow-traveler in Young Goodman Brown is walking ith a cane that looks like a snake. This hints to the evil that is to follow. A another example is when the old woman speaks of how hard the path is to travel. This lets us know that she will face In conclusion, the stories Worn Path and Young GoodMan Brown contain numerous like similarities and differences. One could interpret these in many different ways. However the stories seem to share more likenesses than differed .

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