StudyBoss » Novel » Candide, by Voltaire

Candide, by Voltaire

Voltaire’s Candide is a novel which contains conceptual ideas and at the same time is also exaggerated. Voltaire offers sad themes disguised by jokes and witticism, and the story itself presents a distinctive outlook on life. The crucial contrast in the story deals with irrational ideas as taught to Candide about being optimistic, versus reality as viewed by the rest of the world. The main theme which is presented throughout the novel is optimism.

Out of every unfortunate situation in the story, Candide, the main character, has been advised by his philosopher-teacher that everything n the world happens for the better, because “Private misfortunes contribute to the general good, so that the more private misfortunes there are, the more we find that all is well” (Voltaire, p. 31). Pangloss, the philosopher, tries to defend his theories by determining the positive from the negative situations and by showing that misfortunes bring some privileges.

As Candide grows up, whenever something unfortunate happens, Pangloss would turn the situation around, bringing out the good in it. Candide learns that optimism is “The passion for maintaining that all is right when all goes wrong ” Voltaire, p. 86). According to Rene Pomeau, “Voltaire-Candide… have made him [Candide] acquainted with the bad and the good side of human existence. The moral of Candide is born out of its style; it is the art of extracting happiness from the desolate hopping-about of the human insect” (Adams; Pomeau p. 37). Pomeau explains that Candide shows both sides of humanity; how both great and terrible events are standard in a human life.

Also according to Pomeau, the whole point of the story is to debate between good and bad; for example, as Candide becomes more ndependent, he starts to doubt that only good comes out of life. Pangloss is a very hopeful character in the story because he refuses to accept bad. He is also somewhat naive and believes that he could make the world a better place by spreading his theories on optimism.

When Candide had met up with Pangloss after a long period of time, Pangloss said that he was almost hanged, then dissected, then beaten. Candide asked the philosopher if he still thought that everything was for the better, and Pangloss replied that he still held his original views. No atter how little Pangloss believed in the fact that somehow everything would turn out well, he still maintained his original views. Voltaire exaggerates his point on optimism; there is nobody in reality who is positive about everything all the time, especially about something so horrible.

One could conclude that Pangloss is an irrational and inane figure, and Voltaire tries to expose how incomprehensible his beliefs are which do not measure up to reality. According to Linguet, “Candide offers us the saddest of themes disguised under the merriest of jokes” (Adams; Wade p. 144). It seems as if Candide was written as a comedy; not because of humor, but because every time something bad occurs, a quick turn of events happens which bring everything back to normal. One moment Candide murders the brother of the woman he loves, the next moment he travels to a land where he sees women mating with monkeys.

In instances like these, it doesn’t seem like Voltaire is serious about tragic events. During the course of Candide’s journey, an earthquake strikes, murdering thirty thousand men, women, and children. In reality, this is a horrible predicament to be involved with. In Pangloss’ world, ” It is impossible for things not to be where they are, because everything is for the best” (Voltaire, p. 35), meaning that the earthquake was necessary in the course of nature, and so there was definitely a rationale for the situation.

To show contrast in the story, Voltaire introduces a character whose beliefs are completely opposite than the beliefs of Pangloss. This character is Martin, a friend and advisor of Candide who he meets on his journey. Martin is also a scholar, and a spokesman for pessimism. Martin continuously tries to prove to Candide that there is little irtue, morality, and happiness in the world. When a cheerful couple are seen walking and singing, Candide tells Martin “At least you must admit that these people are happy. Until now, I have not found in the whole inhabited earth… nything but miserable people. But this girl and this monk, I’d be willing to bet, are very happy creatures” (Voltaire, p. 58). “I’ll bet they aren’t” (Voltaire p. 58), replies Martin, and he bets Candide that the couple are, in fact, depressed, and are disguising their unhappiness. Upon talking to the couple, Martin, ironically, proved correct, strengthening his pessimistic iews. Martin claims to be a pessimist because he “knows what life is ” (Voltaire, p. 117) which is why Martin concludes that man was born to suffer.

Candide becomes affected by optimism in different ways throughout his life. The name Candide comes from the Latin word candidus, which means white, and symbolizes innocence. Perhaps Candide very readily believed in optimism at first because of his innocence. Candide grew up as a naive and vulnerable child in his own Eden and was only exposed to the brighter side of life and the idea that everything in the world happens for the better. He did not know what to expect in the real world and why things happened.

As Candide progressed in life, though, his eyes opened and he became exposed to bad without goodness coming out of it, like when the people he cared for were harmed. Candide became more independent and learned to form his own opinions. He would look at the world and say exactly what he saw, and in every situation where Pangloss is absent, Candide would refer to Pangloss’ spirit: “What would Pangloss think? ” Over time Candide realized that “Pangloss cruelly deceived [him] when he told [him] that all is for the best in this world ” Voltaire p. 43).

For a long time throughout Candide’s life, he believed strongly in optimism, not because he was forced to, but because he was raised in that manner. It is possible, however, that all along, deep down inside, Candide doubted the philosophies of his teacher because of his exposure to immorality in the real world. For example, Candide witnessed the public hanging of two Portuguese Jews simply because they refused to eat bacon for dinner. It was occurrences like these which demonstrated the inhumanity that one person can do to another, leading Candide to isbelieve Pangloss’ philosophies.

Voltaire himself does not necessarily agree with the views of the philosopher Pangloss, that optimism is always the best way of looking at life. Many people in the story who were presumed to be dead were found to be alive and well. Cunegonde, the object of Candide’s affections, was thought dead by Candide but she had really been raped and sold into slavery. Pangloss was also presumed dead but he reappeared in Candide’s life. Although it is good that these people did not die, this is not an example of good coming from bad, since bad their deaths) never even happened in the first place.

This does not at all prove Pangloss’ ideas. It is debatable whether Candide is a novel whose purpose is to teach a moral and be analyzed, or if it was written for entertainment purposes only. According to I. O. Wade, in the Journal Encyclopedique, the story was written for entertainment purposes and the author should have dealt more with important matters such as religion instead of focusing on story line. Most of the story is about the journeys of Candide, and Voltaire did not include significant morals upon writing the novel.

In Grimm’s review, it is also thought that Candide was not meant to be a high quality piece of work, but rather as something enjoyable. It is written in bad taste, yet filled with gaiety, and the amusing parts make it entertaining. According to Georges Ascoli, “Nothing could be more lively, more witty, or more instructive than this story… Too often Voltaire, delighted with his own artistic flair… gives us amusing stories… Let us take them for what they are, not giving too much historical credit… but tasting freely of the delights of well told stories” (Adams; Ascoli p. 129).

Ascoli takes Candide to be a witty and lively story despite the misfortune in the characters’ lives. He, too, thinks the story was written for entertainment in which Voltaire did a good job. The readers should accept the story for its zest, and not try to find a deep hidden meaning. Candide’s learnings and the events that happened to him affected his character in many ways. He had learned to become his own person, to accept life for what it had to offer, and that not everything had to be analyzed to decide whether it was good or bad. In this way Candide can be an example for all those who read his story.

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StudyBoss » Novel » Candide, by Voltaire

Candide by Voltaire

My book report is on Candide by Voltaire and consists of 326 pages. Voltaire’s Candide is the story of an innocent man’s experiences in a mad and evil world, and his struggle to achieve happiness without having to work and taking the easy way out of all situations. Everyone has to work and eventually they will achieve happiness and joy but in Candide’s case, after a long and difficult struggle in which Candide is forced to overcome misfortune to find happiness, he concludes that all is not that easy and that he must work in order to find even a small amount of pleasure in life.

Candide grows up in the Castle of Westphalia and is taught by the learned philosopher, Dr. Pangloss. Candide is abruptly exiled from the castle when found kissing the Baron’s daughter, Cunegonde. Devastated by the separation from Cunegonde, his true love, Candide sets out to different places in the hope of finding her and achieving total happiness. On his journey, he faces a number of misfortunes, among them being tortured during army training, yet he continues to believe that there is a “cause and effect” for everything.

Candide is reunited with Cunegonde, and regains a life of rosperity, but soon all is taken away, including his beloved Cunegonde. He travels on, and years later he finds her again, but she is now fat and ugly. His wealth is all gone and so is his love for the Baron’s daughter. Throughout Candide, we see how accepting situations and not trying to change or overcome obstacles can be damaging. Life is full of struggles, but it would be nonproductive if people passively accepted whatever fate had in store for them, shrugging off their personal responsibility. Voltaire believes that people should not allow themselves to be victims.

He sneers at naive, accepting types, informing us that people must work to reach their utopia (Bottiglia 93). In Candide, reality and “the real world” are portrayed as being disappointing. Within the Baron’s castle, Candide is able to lead a Utopian life. After his banishment, though, he recognizes the evil of the world, seeing man’s sufferings. The only thing that keeps Candide alive is his hope that things will get better. Even though the world is filled with disaster, Candide has an optimistic attitude that he adopted from Dr. Pangloss’ teachings. In pite of his many trials, Candide believes that all is well and everything is for the best.

Only once, in frustration, does he admit that he sometimes feels that optimism is “the mania of maintaining that all is well when we are miserable” (Voltaire 41). Candide’s enthusiastic view of life is contrasted with, and challenged by the suffering which he endures throughout the book. Voltaire wrote this book in a mocking and satirical manner in order to express his opinion that passive optimism is foolish (Richter 134). Candide eventually learns how to achieve happiness in the face of misadventure.

He learns that in order to attain a state of contentment, one must be part of society where there is collective effort and work. Labor, Candide learns, eliminates the three curses of mankind: want, boredom, and vice. In order to create such a society, man must do the following: love his fellow man, be just, be vigilant, know how to make the best of a bad situation and keep from theorizing. Martin expresses this last requirement for such a society succinctly when he says, “Let’s work without speculating; it’s the only way of rendering life bearable” (Voltaire 77).

One of the last people that Candide meets in his travels is an old, poor Turkish farmer who teaches Candide a lesson which allows him to come to terms with the world and to settle down happily. The revelation occurs when Candide and his friends hear of the killing of two intimate advisors of the sultan, and they ask the Turkish farmer if he could give them more details about the situation. Upon learning that this man did not own “an enormous and splendid property” (Voltaire 76), but rather a mere twenty acres that he cultivates with his children, Candide is startled.

He sees that the man is happy with his life, and at that point Candide decides to build his own life around the principal of being productive. He decides that all he needs to be happy is a garden to cultivate so that he, too, can keep from the three great evils. Candide’s garden symbolizes his surrender to the world and his acceptance of it. He eventually realizes that his former ambitions of finding and achieving a perfect state of happiness were fulfilled, though his successes were not as great as he had wished.

Instead, he has found happiness in a simple ay of life. He also learns that everything in life is not evil, which he perceived to be the case while undergoing misfortunes. He also concludes that Dr. Pangloss was right all along, “everything is for the best. ” Throughout the entire book, we observe Candide searching for happiness, sustained by his dream of achieving that happiness. He believes, in his optimistic way, that he will find Cunegonde, his true love, and Dr. Pangloss, his mentor, and all will be well.

When Candide is reunited with both he realizes that he was right not to lose hope. In ssence, it was Candide’s optimism that keeps him from a state of total dejection, maintaining his sanity during troubled times. Candide eventually achieves happiness with his friends in their simple, yet full, lives. The book’s ending affirms Voltaire’s moral that one must work to attain satisfaction. Work helps Candide overcome his tragedies and enables him to live peacefully and in contentment. The message of Candide is: “Don’t rationalize, but work; Don’t utopianize, but improve. We must cultivate our own garden, for no one is going to do it for us” (Richter 161).

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