StudyBoss » The comparison of the Achaian Achilles and the Trojan general Hektor

The comparison of the Achaian Achilles and the Trojan general Hektor

The comparison of the Achaian Achilles and the Trojan general Hektor is, in my opinion, a very close relationship. Both men are honored beyond any other man in their armies. Both are the fiercest warriors and the biggest fighters, too. Each man is handsome and a born athlete. The two were the best warriors out there, hands down. Hektor seemed to be an older man whos more mature. He had a wife, Andromache, and a son, Astyanax. He was well admired and a prince of his city, Troy. His brother is also a renowned fighter, Paris Alexandros).

His father Priam, King of Troy, was also a huge man as explained by Homer. Huge Priam came in… ( Hammond pg 403 book 24 line 474. Also on line 479 … when he saw godlike Priam, (Hammond pg 403 line 479). In the field of battle Hektor was the best of the best (until Achilles came). His Descriptions include … of the glinting helmet (Hammond pg 87 book 3 line 83); … Ilios sole protection ( Hammond book 6 pg 139 ln 403 and on our worksheet); then, of course, … godlike… ( Hammond pg 146 book 7 line 190). Glorious

Hektor has stood up to great Achaians such as powerful Ajax, son of Telamon, who is the second best Greek fighter. Although he really lost each time to Ajax, he never backed down ( Hammond book 7 lines 236-280; book 13 lines 800-14; book 14 lines 408-418. etc… ). Also he was favored by the God Apollo, Aphrodite, and, at times, Zeus and Ares. Apollo kept him alive a little longer as he ran from swift footed Achilles around Troy. Apollo kept giving him energy and energy until the end. Also, Hektor was one of the few Trojans who didnt care about or believe in signs of gods.

Such as in Hammonds translation book 12 lines 194-248 when he argues with Po! ulydamus on entering the fort of the Greeks now. Hektor refuses and sends the men in. This leads to the beginning of the end for him and the Trojans. Hektor was very powerful and an extremely good fighter. Yet in the end, he needs help from Apollo just to stay alive longer by running from Achilles. ( Hammond Book 22 pgs 362-364). In the end, the trickery of Athene and given fate led to the slaying of Hektor and the hands of Achilles, loved of Zeus… ( Hammond Book 22 pg 365 first paragraph).

Achilles was, in a negative way, an arrogant, immature, child. He was younger compared to Hektor and many comrades like Odysseus and Diomedes. I believe this because his attitude of getting what he wants and pouting if things dont go his way shows moreover than his sensitive side (Dispute with Agamemnon and withdrawing from battle until the end. Also calling on his mother Thetis to help him. ). On the positive side his reputation as the most outstanding warrior exceeded his bad sides. He had armor built by the god Hephaistos (both pairs) ( Hammond pgs 276 and 320-324 & 332).

He had a spear only he was strong enough to wield, and also was the handsomest of the Achaians in Homers mind ( Hammond pg 79). His background, to me , was much more glorious than Hektors. His father, Peleus, was a world renowned sacker of great cities and even did so sometimes with the infamous Heracles( Hammond pg 51 and class discussion). His grandfather, Aiakos, mustve been a well-known fighter/runner because they refer to achilles as of Aiakos stock when they call Achilles the fast runner (pg 83). He was also a direct son of Zeus.

Complimenting his role as best warrior of the Achaians, he was commander of the Pelasgians, Argosians, Pthians, and Hellasians along with his real men, the raging Myrmidons. He was the fastest runner around ( Hammond pgs 232 and 389) which shows on his chasing down Hektor even though the trojans legs were powered by Apollo and obstacles were thrown in Achilles way. He was determined to kill Hektor in revenge for the murder of his best friend Patroklos. Achilles fate was his own choice. He wanted everlasting glory in the beginning but also wanted to see Agamemnon suffer ( Hammond pgs 58, 60, 174).

After Patroklos was killed and lost his armor Achilles was enraged and has no second thoughts about his fate from there on out ( Hammond pgs 312, 346-349, 310, 315, 332-333). In these pages it also shows his undying love for his best friend Patroklos. He kills Hektor not only for glory, but for his slain friend. Both of these men were glorious people on and off the battlefield. Each was a leader for his people and mentors, and were admired greatly by the gods. Destinies work in mysterious ways and have trouble being shifted. Too bad the two best both had to go down.

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