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Schizophrenia Essay

Hypocrites once said only from the brain spring our pleasures, our feeling of happiness, and of tearsy. Pleasure and pain come from the brain; however with schizophrenia some people experience not pleasure and pain, but paranoia, dementia, and can become cationic. Schizophrenia is a serious problem. This report will go over what it is, how to get help, and how it is/was treated. Throughout history all societys have had cases of schizophrenia. Some kings, rulers, and emperors, such as King Saul, Nebucanezzer, Henry the IV and King George the III, all had a form of schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia technically did not exist until 100 years ago. Until then most people thought it was demons in the body. The Ancient Egyptians thought people with mental illness had physical illness. With the Greeks they did not know what to think, so the killed or castrated the infected person. But with madness people have accomplished many things such as prophets and poets. How come all men distinguished in philosophy, statesmanship, poetry, or art are melancholics and some of them to such an extent that they are affected from the illness.

History has almost always classified as one type, but actually there are four types. the four types of schizophrenia are: dementia praecox, hebephrenic. first is catatonia, a movement disorder. the movements may be as little as a twitch some cases are more severe than others. people with schizophrenia are often very strange and shocking next it paranoia, as many people know paranoia is the fear of being followed with schizophrenia this fear is constant day and night. Most paranoid schizophrenic loose sleep and act out violently.

Another type is hebephenia, hebephenia induces childlike acts, like whining, crying and constant giggling. With all types of schizophrenia there are many mental asylum, so the schizophrenics do not cause harm to others. Mental institutes started as caves away from towns, villages, and were used until religion started. After that the started thinking it was evil causing the madness. Holy wells were used in Rome, Greece, and small islands. In ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, they built temples to house the mad. The cost of the temples were to high they used homes as asylums.

As David H. Clark said Madness has been known to every society that has left records. In 1839 In England first organized act was past to localize asylums. In mental asylums, new knowledge has been found. Doctors say schizophrenia can be passed through heredity. Other reasons might be drugs that affect parts of the brain and misdiagnoses. Some schizophrenics who had been misdiagnosed, have actually had other mental disorders. MRI research has shown that there are damaged neuronal membranes. the patients used the gene therapy it helped the symptoms, but it didnt help very long

With this knowledge there are new types of treatment, and one of them is therapy. Some doctors believe that just talking to the schizophrenic is the cure. Others and most doctors believe that the patients should be given more medication. Doctors at AMI say like cancer and diabetes, schizophrenia has a biological basis , these doctors think chemotherapy is the answer. The new treatments are nothing like the old barbaric treatment. The old and ancient ways of treatment were the following. Holes were drilled in the skulls to let the evil out. Other ways were herbs, the herbs were smoked and drank in tea.

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