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Alcoholism Disease

The American Medical Association (AMA) declared that Alcoholism was an illness in 1956. However, many still argue that it is not a disease, but something that people can control. Many also believe that alcoholism is a mind thought, meaning some get addicted to things easier than others. Many have a more addictive personality than some. Alcoholism is a real thing that many people struggle with because of the addictive mindset they hold. Although many people say it’s a disease, but it is argued that it is due to the addictive mindset that person holds.

Also the habit that person holds can cause an extravagant play on that addiction. If someone were to do something for a certain amount of time that would play a huge role to creating a habit, then soon after maybe even an addiction. Alcoholism isn’t considered a disease or illness in many people’s eyes because it is argued that some have a more addictive personality than others. Many believe that it is a disease because of the American Medical Association was declared an illness in 1956 even though the organization didn’t have evidence as to why it was declared an illness.

Although, just because it was declared a disease does not mean it is one. A reason as to why many disagree with the statement as alcoholism being a disease is because the addictions alcohol has and because many use alcoholism being a disease as an excuse to that addiction they with hold. Dualdiagnosis. org states, “Alcohol is one of the most abused substances in America today” Some have a more addictive personality than others, so they get addicted easier. Some people believe that doing something over and over again can cause a habit.

This is a argumentative point because if someone were to do the same thing everyday for sixty-six days, or two months, it would become a habit. Science shows that by doing an action over and over again everyday for sixty-six days than that would lead to it being imprinted into your head therefore; causing it to be a habit. Huffingtonpost. com says, “if you want to set your expectations appropriately, the truth is that it will probably take you anywhere from two months to eight months to build a new behavior into your life”.

If someone were to drink everyday for those sixty-six days and more it would become a habit and soon after their body would get used to that toxication and it would cause them to drink being as it is made a habit and it would cause that addiction, later leading to alcoholism. Alcoholism isn’t considered a disease or illness in many people’s eyes because it is argued that many individuals use the substance as a coping mechanism such as for stress, depression, anger, boredom, anxiety, and more!

According to the FeelingGood article, “Other experts use the term, ““emotional dysregulation. ”” This is a big and impressive term that simply means that some individuals have trouble regulating, or controlling, their emotions, so they turn to food, drugs, or alcohol to comfort themselves when they feel upset, or to escape from the problems in their lives”. Many cases of depression, anger, or even just simply boredom have been solved by alcohol.

Alcohol can stimulate the brain causing you to be noncontrolling to your own self, and to do things many wouldn’t do sober. When some consume alcohol to try and fix something like anger or depression, it often makes the case worse. The reason so many do so for those reasons is because of that feeling they get when intoxicated, and loving that feeling can later lead to addiction and causes alcoholism. This could also lead to abuse to others, drinking and driving, or even self harm.

Alcohol is just used so much that many believe that it is considered a disease because of how many it has affected. According to BaldwinResearch, “History and science have shown us that existence of the disease, alcoholism, is pure speculation. Just saying alcoholism is a disease does not make it true”. By people saying alcoholism is a disease does not make it true. Many believe what others say by when they announce that alcoholism is a disease because it’s an excuse as to why that person may drink so much.

Alcoholism is not a disease to many and will continue to be argued it is not a disease to many more. Alcoholism has been argued to not be an illness for many years now and is one of the most debated topics in America today. However, Many believe that alcoholism is a disease because it was announced a disease in 1956. Gmu. edu says, “In 1956 the American Medical Association decided that alcoholism is a disease”. Many belive that the substance, alcohol, is a disease because of how people can be born with addiction.

Many people can be born with the personality of being addicted to substances easier than others like alcohol, marijuana, and even hardcore drugs. But having an addictive personality doesn’t mean just bad and harmful things. It may also include soda, food, and even candy. Also some people consider the substance a disease because when someone drinks and they get intoxicated their heart rate rises and they lose control because of the alcohol they have consumed, and that causes them to consume more which causes more of a situation because they won’t stop.

Hazeldenbettyford says, “The mental symptoms consist of loss of control (taking in larger amounts of alcohol over a longer period of time than the person intends); persistent desire to drink (one or more unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control drinking); continued drinking in spite of adverse social, occupational, or legal consequences; and frequent intoxication or withdrawal symptoms when expected to fulfill major obligations at work, school, or home”. This quote is saying that if one has alcoholism that person would have a very tough time not to drink.

They would need to be strong and stay strong because that alcoholism will take over because it may be the disease you have. Many say that no matter if one does not take a sip of alcohol in their life, they are considered alcoholics. The reason behind this is because that alcoholism disease they were genetically born with would still be in their genetics or DNA no matter if they drink or not. Alcoholism is something someone can be born with because either they have past family members or maybe because they are simply just unlucky, because scientist say, “once a drinker always a drinker”.

So no matter if someone doesn’t drink a drip of alcohol in their life, they still have that genetic disorder of having alcoholism in their blood. The illness of alcoholism is also on DNA. Meaning if one was to have a family member that wasn’t necessarily born with alcoholism but they were still a drinker, that could lead to being born with that symptom. Many believe there is a physical cure but this is not the case. Someone may get help as in a counselor, or doing something easy like chewing gum. But just because alcoholism has been scientifically proved to be a disease, that does necessarily mean there is a cure.

There are no scientific evidence to a cure for the illness alcoholism. The American Medical Association (AMA) declared that Alcoholism was an illness in 1956. However, Many still believe and argue that Alcoholism is not a disease. Even though it was declared a disease in 1956, there were no scientific evidence behind it so therefore; it is believed to still be an open discussion. Alcohol is a huge part of our community today and it is one of the most abused substances in America using commercials, underage drinking, and even consuming it in many different ways.

Alcohol is also abused by adults not just underaged teens. Many adults over use and abuse the substance by being a “drunk” and, or using alcohol to their advantage like to help with anger, depression, anxiety, etc. Alcoholism is a disease in many people’s eyes but it is also not considered a disease to many as well. Alcoholism being an opinion because of the very little evidence many have to support their argument. Alcoholism being a disease has been a debatable topic and a strong opinionated topic for many years and continue to be so until further evidence will be scientifically proven.

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