Gay Marriages Essay

When you are born in America or legalized as a citizen, you are granted certain unalienable rights under the constitution and the declaration of independence. We are granted the freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion, the right to vote, right to bear arms and the right to the pursuit of happiness. But … Read more

A Look at Gay Marriage in the United States

The American government, founded on the ideals of men wishing to escape persecution and tyranny, is a secular institution shaped by the Constitution and it’s Amendments. Over the two hundred plus years that America has been a country many infractions, oversights and misinterpretations have occurred which have unfairly inhibited the freedom of the American people. … Read more

A Look at Gay Marriage in the United States

The American government, founded on the ideals of men wishing to escape persecution and tyranny, is a secular institution shaped by the Constitution and its Amendments. Over the two hundred plus years that America has been a country many infractions, oversights and misinterpretations have occurred which have unfairly inhibited the freedom of the American people. … Read more